Hal Jordan #1 (Movie Prequel)

By now you'll have seen the Green Lantern movie, and if you haven't, you probably won't at all. To supplement the film, DC opted to release five tie-in one-shots focusing on characters in the movie. Preceded by issues focusing on Tomar Re, Kilowog and Abin Sur, the fourth one-shot centres on Hal Jordan and is penned by Green Lantern guru and one of the film's writers in Greg Berlanti.

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Cap Selling…Out

Came across this wonderful letter in my inbox this morning: Captain America has sold out to Corporate America! [quote]Dear Customer, Celebrate Captain America at Baskin Robbins! With the highly anticipated release of Captain America: The First Avenger out this summer,…

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Green Arrow #13

As Brightest Day concluded, so did J.T. Krul's run on the title as of issue 12. Writer James Patrick joins Agustin Padilla as the new creative team behind Green Arrow, so let's see how this new team stacks up to the past year of Green Arrow stories.

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RIP Gene Colan

Another member of Marvel’s silver age bullpen has passed on as Gene Colan passed Friday morning. I’ve written about Colan before but it can’t be overstated how important his work was.  Long runs on both Daredevil and Doctor Strange will…

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