Fan Expo: Recap

Another Fan Expo has come and gone and the folks at Hobbystar must be congratulated for producing another top-notch con that excited fans of all genres. It is necessary to mention last year’s overcrowding debacle, if only to note that no such…

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Vampires Panel

This panel discussed vampire literature in general.  It was moderated by Nancy Kilpatrick (Evolve Two).  The participants were Crissy Calhoun (Vampire Diaries companion), Karen Dales (Chosen Chronicles), David Tocher (Evolve Two), Max Turner (Nightrunner Series) and Alyxandra Harvey (The Drake…

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Fan Expo Saturday

Saturday was the big day for the Fan Expo weekend.  When I showed up at the convention center the lines were very long.  You could hear a murmur in the crowd if this would turn out like last year.  I…

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Fan Expo: Friday

Interesting day Friday. It doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be. It was terribly busy, but the crowd being spread out over multiple days is a good thing (at the very least for safety reasons). Again here are…

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