Batman #1

Issue one of the new Batman series hit store shelves last week, perhaps the premier title of the third week of DC Comics' relaunch. The book features Scott Snyder at the helm as Bruce Wayne is formally returned to the scene of his greatest triumphs and failures: Gotham.

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Halloween Costumes

Halloween is fast approaching and time is running short to find a costume.  If you are creative and can whip something together you’re already off to a good start.  But if you are like me, who can’t sew worth a…

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X-Men Schism #4

Last week the fourth issue of the X-Men event of the year was released, with tensions rising to a fevered pitch in Jason Aaron’s Schism story. This week CBD takes a look at the penultimate issue of the mini-series as round one of Cyclops vs. Wolverine begins.

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Artists Alley

The big draw for me at Montreal Comiccon 2011 was the bandes desinee artists that would be attending the show.  I’ve been reading a lot of translated European material and was hoping to pick up some original art. Overall it…

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Favorite Covers

The saying goes, you can’t judge a book by its cover. That may be true but in comics, it’s usually a good starting point. Usually in this column, I tend to look at the writing of comics more than the…

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MCC 2011 Recap

This will be the first of 2 or 3 Montreal Comic Con posts, as it was a busy weekend. The con was well attended and well organized, but not without some bumps in the road. First I should make it…

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Red Lanterns #1

Alongside the other relaunched DC titles is a new series featuring the Red Lanterns in their own book, in addition to the other three Green Lantern series. Red Lanterns is penned by Peter Milligan, with the first issue having been released last week alongside Green Lantern.

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Trades & Hardcovers

Freshly returned from Montreal Comiccon 2011 my head is still full of crowds, books and art.  My focus here is the collected edition market at the show: hardcovers, trade paperbacks, graphic novels. First off this was a comic centric show…

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Uncanny X-Force #15

Last week the Dark Angel Saga continued with issue 15 of Remender's rendition of the X-Force, bringing the team's dream of saving Worthington closer to its conclusion. What they found once they returned was instead their worst nightmare staring them coldly in the eyes. This week we're taking a look at the latest issue of Uncanny X-Force.

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