Trades & Hardcovers

Freshly returned from Montreal Comiccon 2011 my head is still full of crowds, books and art.  My focus here is the collected edition market at the show: hardcovers, trade paperbacks, graphic novels. First off this was a comic centric show…

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Uncanny X-Force #15

Last week the Dark Angel Saga continued with issue 15 of Remender's rendition of the X-Force, bringing the team's dream of saving Worthington closer to its conclusion. What they found once they returned was instead their worst nightmare staring them coldly in the eyes. This week we're taking a look at the latest issue of Uncanny X-Force.
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Episode 11: Bidding adieu to ‘Almost Heroes’

I received a distressing piece of news Sept. 15: Showcase, one of Canada’s specialty networks, opted not to renew the television series Almost Heroes for a second season. This, considering it was one of my favourite shows within the last year, quickly prompted me to tweet my displeasure like any other self-respecting new media junkie and classify it as a blunder on par with Fox cancelling any show that was ever worthwhile. Please see Firefly, Dollhouse and Arrested Development for further reference. At this point I imagine, though, that you’re questioning what it is I’m blabbering about.
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Green Arrow #1

This week we're also taking a look at another of the new DC 52 number ones, this time the Emerald Archer himself, Green Arrow. Coming off a tumultuous year in the life of Oliver Queen, the series has been rebooted, taking Oliver Queen back to a location he's not been in some time. Intrigued? Then read forth.
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Lies, Facts & Stats

The news this week has all been about DC’s relaunch and books selling over 200,000 copies.  It all started with this announcement on the DC Comics Source blog: [quote]Earlier today, Diamond Comic Distributors, the world’s largest distributor of comics, graphic…

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Action Comics #1

Last week the second wave of DC's New 52 hit shelves, among them the first issue of the relaunched Action Comics penned by star writer Grant Morrison. This week we're taking a look at the first issue of DC's most renowned series.
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