Uncanny X-Men #544

In the wake of Schism, everything has changed for the X-Men. To emphasize that change, Marvel decided to end the long-running X-title, Uncanny X-Men, as of issue 544. With this final issue one door closes on the X-Men's pasts, while another door opens towards their future.

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Marvel Layoffs

Last week the Twitter-verse was all a twitter about Marvel laying off 15 staffers.  I found one news blog about the financial situation of Marvel and the working conditions there. To tell the truth I was shocked of what I read.…

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Captain Britain

If Captain Britain vanished from the red pages of Marvel without a trace, would anyone (Stateside) care? Or even notice?! With Disney’s (fairly) recent decision that “all Marvel Superheroes must originate in the United States” we may well see that happen very soon – and only then…

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Justice League #2

Historically the Justice League series of comics has been of the preeminent staples in the DCU, almost always featuring the best and brightest DC has to offer. That point was driven home further when Justice League #1 was the first series of the re-launch, ushering in DC comics’ new era. Issue two hit shelves last week, and it continues the story of the first meeting between the DCU heavyhitters.

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Comic Culture Oct. 19th

Very funny show this week. The Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija have a blast discussing potential movie properties including Hot Wheels and Double Bubble, Amazon’s foray into publishing, Hasbro’s latest successes, the new Batman Arkham City video…

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Night Fisher

R. Kikuo Johnson set the comic world on fire with his 2005 debut Night Fisher.  Unfortunately I wasn’t reading non superhero comics then and never heard of it.  Big mistake. [quote]First-rate prep school, S.U.V., and a dream house in the…

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Shade #1

The first issue of Shade hit comic book shelves last week, very likely under the radar amid the trove of titles that included Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Men and Green Lantern. The book, penned by James Robinson, features the mysterious mystic known as Shade. The book at least to this point has been confirmed as a 12-issue maxi-series, but has been promised to be home to a fair number of surprises throughout the series, one of which calls this issue home.

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about Catwoman

Last week a picture of Anne Hathaway’s costume was posted on our Facebook page.  The question was asked “What do you think?” When I saw the picture, I wasn’t blown away by it (even though Anne Hathaway is beautiful).  It…

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