Not Selling To Me
I had the opportunity this week to visit The Beguiling in Toronto for the first time. Having heard they had a very large selection of books, I wanted to see what was available. For those who have never been there…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
I had the opportunity this week to visit The Beguiling in Toronto for the first time. Having heard they had a very large selection of books, I wanted to see what was available. For those who have never been there…
This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija welcomed Lethargic Lad creator Greg Hyland to the show. Greg and the boys shot the breeze for an hour discussing the new Tintin movie, Wizard World Toronto’s change of venue, Dark Horse’s…
The seventh issue of S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace's series about the li'l depressed boy named LDB hit store shelves last week. The story chronicles a down-on-his-luck boy who's thrown from one emotional extreme to the next, which is something I think we all know too well.
Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective. [box type=question]Is the non-superhero market alive and well from a comic shop perspective?[/box] [box type=shadow]Calum…
The other day I was surfing around on Bleeding Cool News. While I was reading a couple of articles, I saw on the bottom of the screen a section for most viewed pics. I saw the picture shown above and clicked…
A couple of weeks ago our Editor-In-Chief wrote about a recent trip to the Dragon where Scott Chantler was charging for sketches at a store signing. This generated some discussion on why and when artists may charge for sketches and…
Georges Prosper Remi – probably better known under pen name – Hergé, was a Belgian comics writer and artist renowned for his creation ‘The Adventures of Tintin’ – which he wrote and illustrated between 1929 and 1983 – when he…
The X-Men's re-genesis is upon us, and one of the first titles of the new era X-Men era features one of the more popular mutants in the X-universe, Wolverine, moving many former Utopians back across the United States to Westchester to re-open "the school." Read on to find out more about the first day of school for Wolverine and his X-Men.
Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Stanley Jon for this week’s question. [box type=question]Who has the best rogues gallery? Please provide…
ComicLink October 2011 Focused Auction The ComicLink Focused Auction has just ended. OK I thought September’s ComicLink Auction was Marvel heavy but boy this was even worse! There was only 1 DC in the top 75 and that of course…
Galloway Park by Dennis DePues part 4, exclusively on Comic Book Daily every Sunday.
Kalila Corliss AKA Kali Navigator Kalila A girl’s name of Arabic origin, meaning “Dearly Beloved”. Corliss Meaning carefree, cheery, benevolent. Characterized by expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. Navigator [nav-i-gey-ter] noun a person who navigates. a person who practices, (or is…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
SVK is a comic created by writer Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan), artist D’Israeli (2000 AD), and the design studio BERG. SVK is described as an experimental comic because parts of the story are printed in ultraviolet (UV) ink. Using the UV…
This week I couldn’t think of one thing to write about, but I could think about a whole bunch of little things. Arkham City Like most of you (hopefully) I picked up my copy of Batman Arkham City last week. …
Famous Funnies #100, Eastern Color, November 1942 Well here we go, my Undervalued Spotlight #100. Famous Funnies #100 (November, 1942) represents the first comic to reach #100 and it did so in style. Added bonus points for the run being…
Comic Book Resources has a wonderful interview with Dean Mullaney, creative director of The Library Of American Comics, an IDW imprint that has given us a wealth of comic strip reprints. We’re in a golden age of reprints and Mullaney…
If you think you’ve read this particular column before, I wouldn’t blame you. I first covered rumors of a Watchmen sequel/prequel nearly two years ago (Scott: previous column). At the time, there wasn’t much attached to idea in terms of…
I’ve been a comic reader and collector for thirty one years. In that time I have never discussed comics with anyone outside of immediate family who didn’t bring up the subject first. I’m not entirely sure why comics has a…
So I just got the official email that Wizard World Toronto will be held April 14-15, 2012 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (Scott: press release). Check out ticket info here. This is good news in terms of a more…
Another fun show this week as local TV celebrity Marty Birthelmer joins hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija for an hour of comic world insights. The gang discuss the Superman memorabilia auction coming up at ComicConnect, the Tintin movies opening…