Retailer Q | #6: Halloween FCBD

Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.
Diamond discussed at NYCC this year the possibility of a second Free Comic Book Day event in 2012 for Halloween. Can the comic industry, and more specifically comic retailers, support and maintain a successful second FCBD-like event?

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Comic Book Mustaches

November is coming to a close, and many men around the country have been sporting mustaches in support of “Movember“. This initiative is to bring awareness to men’s health, and especially prostate cancer. In honour of all these men, who’ve decided…

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52Q | #56: Creators, Deadlines and Consistency

DC's new program of keeping books on schedule by getting books done well ahead of publication and shifting creative teams seems to be working. Of course it also means writers and artists are being juggled around to keep things flowing. Marvel's approach seems to have artists taking turns, giving readers up to six artists in a six issue stretch.

This week's 52Q: do you stick to a book when it has multiple creators or do you cherry pick issues based on your favourites? Would you rather see a small publishing delay for creator consistency?

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Sell my collection?

A couple of months ago, Anthony Falcone wrote an article telling you to sell your collection.  The column was very popular with lots of debate and discussion in the comments section.  The idea of selling your collection is a sensitive…

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If you have to be stranded on Mars, it could definitely be improved by having a good friend with you. Sadly Captain John is Marooned on Mars with Asimov the Robot. Asimov would rather be alone. Asimov's mission was to attempt a space mission run by an AI and hampered by a human. It's not going so well.

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Donating Collections

The Edmonton Journal published a story last week about a man whose family donated his comic collection to the University of Alberta after his death.  Some interesting quotes. [quote]“His is not an old collection, nor is it particularly rare, but…

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Black Panther 529

Oh look, a Batman cover from Francesco Francavilla in that retro pulp style of his.  Very nice.  What’s that?  It’s a Black Panther cover for issue 529?  Wow: DC, get that lawyer patrol on the case. And why is Black…

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What the…

Still in Africa and with a trip to Cape-Town right around the corner (in which I’ll hunt down the local Comic shops if it kills me – and report back with some tantalizing, transatlantic gossip and goodness), I’m currently sitting…

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