Best Of Year Lists

It’s December and everywhere you turn there’s a “Best Of 2011” list. Since we’re talking comics here at Comic Book Daily I’ve been looking at best comics lists from the usual suspects like comic blogs, including this one, but also…

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Comic Culture Dec 21st

This week’s show is Comic Culture’s Christmas Special. Join our jolly hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija as they discuss TV Christmas Specials, all the comic book movie trailers hitting the net, Marvel’s new prose line, Hasbro’s declining sales, the…

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The Shade #3

After narrowly avoiding Deathstroke’s assassination attempt and learning more of the plot against his life, Shade travels to Austrailia to uncover the next piece of the puzzle.

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Judge (Joseph) Dredd’s strip in the British comic 2000AD is the publication’s longest running, first seen in the second issue in 1977. The premise: in a dark and dangerous future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury…

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Avengers: X-Sanction #1

Earlier this year the comic book world first caught wind of Cable's imminent return to the Marvel universe. The only question that remained, was, how? With Cable's death in Second Coming, it appeared that he had completed his final mission, but it would seem that for the time-travelling hero from the future, one final mission remains.

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52Q | #59: Superhero and comics fans

Back by popular demand, Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers. Tip of the hat goes to Scott VanderPloeg for this week’s question.

Spotted this quote last week.

There are two types of fans: superhero fans and comics fans. The problem is that most superhero fans mistakenly believe they're comics fans.

This week's 52Q: your take on the above.

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Smallville Season 10

A couple of weeks ago, the 10th and final season of Smallville came out on Blu-Ray and DVD.  At that time I wrote about its release.  I’ve spent every available minute watching Smallville since then.  Season 10 is by far…

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New DC Absolutes

DC Comics has announced via their blog, where all their news comes from, two new Absolute editions for next year. [quote]Coming in September 2012, ABSOLUTE GREEN LANTERN: SINESTRO CORPS WAR will collect the story of Sinestro’s bid for totalitarian control…

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Jackie Rose

  One of the reasons I started doing these weekly walkabouts is to finally make myself sit down and read all these great looking comics I’ve stumbled across online. This week I finally tackled Jackie Rose, a great adventure story…

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