Justice League Dark #4

With the DC reboot, the company took a bit of a step backwards in expanding the Justice League family tree, similarly extending their line as they did with the old JLI and JLE books. Justice League Dark (JLD) adds a bit of a twist to the concept, bringing together many of the DCU's notable magicians, sorcerers and mystics to tackle the world's biggest magic-based threats. What happens though when DC's brightest heroes fall short of stopping a threat like a deranged, positively insane Enchantress? Who are you going to call? John Constantine, Deadman, Shade, Madame Xanadu and Zatanna, that's who.

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Holiday Wars

Originally I was gonna write this last week, but illness kept me from doing my walkabout. But hopefully you are still in the holiday spirit. So the Easter Bunny is evil. Annnnd all those other Holiday characters? Yup, they exist…

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Green Lantern Corps #4

A mysterious force has been killing Green Lanterns left and right and John and Guy have taken a team deep into space to end this intergalactic threat. The team arrives on the planet Xabas, only to come face-to-face with the Keepers. The Keepers quickly dispatch many of the Lanterns and gain the upper hand and force Guy and John to call a retreat. Many of them transport back to Oa using one of the present Lantern's natural teleportation powers, but they quickly find that Stewart and a small number of Lanterns have been left behind to fight for their lives.

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Daredevil #7

Daredevil has swashbuckled his way past low level villains and has continued to deny his connection to Daredevil, that is until he stumbled onto a plot involving Hydra and A.I.M. and the uniforms made famous by Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four.

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Celerity Page 4

Dr. Felisberta Blaise AKA Blaise Doctor Felisberta A boys name of German origin.  The meaning of Felisberta is “intelligent warrior”. Blaise Blaise Pascal was a brilliant 17th-century child prodigy, mathematician, scientist, and philosopher.  The name ‘Blaise’ is said to have…

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