A Zoo in Winter cover

A Zoo in Winter

A Zoo in Winter is the latest translated graphic novel from the mangaka Jiro Taniguchi.  A Zoo in Winter is based on Jiro Taniguchi’s youth when he broke into the manga industry as an assistant.  I do not think this…

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Flipping through Previews I had made a note to check out Afrika by Hermann; I didn’t want to commit until I could give it a decent thumbing. It  looked solid so I bought my local comic shop’s only copy. [quote]The…

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No Place Like Home #1

There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place home. That rings true for Dee, a converted resident of Emeraldsville, Kansas who had left her parents for the big life in Los Angeles. Angelo Tirotto and Richard Jordan present, in association with Image Comics, the first chapter of their tale featuring a young girl returning home, only to find not everything is as she remembered it.

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I, Vampire #6

As one of the newer series to come out of the DC relaunch, I, Vampire has delivered a vampiric dose of horror into the DCU over its first five issues. With a crossover with Peter Milligan's Justice League Dark looming, issue six of this series was released alongside the latter title last week to help kick-off one of DC's first crossover stories within its new status quo. The question left to answer though is how well this book, and its first story arc for that matter, were able to stand on their own.

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Kids and Comics

Reading is very important.  I think that goes without saying.  And as comic book fans, it is obvious that we like to read.  You can’t just look at the pretty pictures forever, without reading the story to find out what…

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The Heroic Age?

Wasn’t The Heroic Age supposed to return us to good ol’ fashioned fun in comic books? Wasn’t it supposed to be a shift away from the these dark, gut wrenching story-lines like House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, and…

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The comic book era of the 90’s gets crapped on a lot. And for good reason. It’s not so much that things like chrome covers, variant covers, inter-company crossovers or Image style artists were or are a bad thing, it…

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Richmond Monuments

Quick read for you this week. We’re going to take a tour of the sculptures of Richmond Virginia as seen through the eyes of Bizhan Khodabandeh. Wait, I thought this was a webcomic column you say. Well it is, because every…

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