2 Things…

I was recently (and very kindly) given a gift-voucher for a comic shop.  A perfect gift for a ‘comics guy’ since, it’s nice to pop along to the local comic shop with an (averaged sized) wedge of cash that you…

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Justice League #6

Justice League and its varying assortment of off-shoot titles has long been considered the flagship title of the DCU, often featuring the biggest heroes DC has to offer. Having been the lead-off title for the company's New 52 initiative, that distinction held true and has remained a top title on Diamond's sales charts since Sept. 2011. The first arc of the Geoff Johns penned series concluded last week with the world's greatest heroes having a final showdown with the dark god himself, Darkseid.

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Episode 17: Opening ‘Pandora’s Box’ in the New 52

Back in January DC finally provided a name for the mysterious, hooded woman who has maintained frequent, lurking appearances strung throughout their relaunched line of titles. The character, who first appeared in Flashpoint, is largely responsible for the realignment of the multiverse in the DCU, creating a storyline cause and effect of the DCU status quo. That character's name is Pandora, and in the sixth issue of Justice League, released this week, a back-up story featuring an exchange between the Phantom Stranger and Pandora is given as a bonus.

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Walking on Broken Glass

Will they won’t they, the corporate world oh yeah, and something dark. Like monsters and murderous dreams dark.  So Nicholas Grey is the head of Grey Inc. an environmentally friendly tech company. Kennedy Parker is his friend and right hand, looking out…

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Near Death Vol. 1

Lots of internet chatter over Near Death, so I pre-ordered the trade paperback and tore my way through it when it arrived. [quote]The critically acclaimed crime series is collected for the first time, featuring exclusive bonus material. Meet Markham, a…

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