Orchid #5

Books such as the revered Ex Machina series by Brian K. Vaughan and more recently Brian Bendis' Scarlet immediately spring to mind when considering series which are overtly political in their tone. The series have a distinct message to communicate to its readership whether as a commentary of the contemporary political arena or as a mobilizing rallying call against corruption. For well over 20 years, Tom Morello has presented his politics both as a member of rock bands Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, as well through his work as a solo artist. Last year Morello turned his attentions towards comic books as an avenue to explore his political side, scripting what would become Dark Horse's 12-issue maxi-series, Orchid.

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Luci Phurr’s Imps

And now for something demonic. And pink. Of course, those might be mutually inclusive. In this case, they go together. By accident. Or more accurately by Apathy. The Demon apathy. See, somebody sold their sold to the devil in exchange…

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Hell Yeah #1

After 80 years it's difficult to put a new twist on the superhero genre of comics, and yet that seems to be what Keatinge and Image Comics have attempted to do with one of their latest releases in Hell Yeah.

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Animal Man #7

This series has been one of the more under-exposed series among the "New 52," which despite resoundingly positive reviews hasn't quite met the level of acclaim the top 10 on Diamond sales charts. The title puts Buddy Baker in darker situations than he's been before, dealing with the underbelly of his powers, while also juggling the strains of raising a family.

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