The Rules

“One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere.” That is the definition of the word rules. When I collect comic books and action figures, I follow a set of…

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Avengers vs. X-Men #0

Since her birth in the Alaskan cold in the 2007 X-Men crossover Messiah Complex, Hope Summers has been the central figure in all mutant related stories. From her role in the latest Cable series which lead to her return to the present during Second Coming, Hope has been an integral player in Marvel's plans for the X-books, destined to either save the mutant race from extinction or to destroy the world. That wasn't even the beginning of the complete story mind you, as the planning for this crossover stretches as far back as the 2005 mini-series House of M which resulted in the mutant gene being wiped out by the Scarlet Witch.

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The Shark King

After being enthralled with Night Fisher I was anxious to read R. Kikuo Johnson’s next comic endeavour The Shark King. [quote]From the islands of Hawaii comes the electrifying tale of Nanaue, who has to balance his yearning for Dad’s guidance…

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Rebel Blood #1

Considering the overwhelming popularity of zombies due in large part to the successes of the Walking Dead comic and television series, it's difficult to revolutionize the horror genre. Even with that in mind, that's what co-plotters Alex Link and Riley Rossmo have attempted to do with their creator-owned series, entitled Rebel Blood.

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Wonder Woman #7

Wonder Woman has traditionally been a character unlike most within the mainstream superhero genre of comics. Where the heroes themselves are commonly viewed as gods in the metaphorical sense, Wonder Woman literally lives among them, standing beside the likes of Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena and Ares. Yet without a true antagonism the character's books has always felt a little hollow outside the Justice League books.

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What Do You Hate?

It’s easy to compile a list of things we love about comics, it’s easy because we love them.  There’s an undefined, miscellaneous feeling  involved in reading comics… an x-factor.  It feels cool somehow, as if there’s an unexplainable ‘comics-force’ available to tap…

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Luz Sees The Light

As I roamed the aisles of March’s Toronto Comicon I came across Claudia Dávila promoting her recent work Luz Sees The Light, a graphic novel with a strong environmental message for young people. [quote]Change is in the air. Power outages are…

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And now it’s time for a trip down the rabbit hole, over the rainbow and through the wardrobe. At least, if you happen to be named Alice, Dorothy or Peter. In that case, you may be a namesake. Namesake by Isabelle Melançon and Megan…

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