Mark Waid and the War on Digital Comics
Long time readers know that I am a huge supporter of both digital comics and the local comic books store. Many out there believe that you can’t support both. That you need to pick a side and the time is…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Long time readers know that I am a huge supporter of both digital comics and the local comic books store. Many out there believe that you can’t support both. That you need to pick a side and the time is…
Becky Cloonan mentioned she had illustrated a new version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula that was coming out in April from Harper Design. Being a fan I had a look. [quote]This new, unabridged edition of the cult classic Dracula by Bram…
In preparation for the Avengers movie CBD is taking at look back at the films that led to this monumental cinematic occasion. This week the Road To The Avengers runs right though the Incredible Hulk. Anthony: I remember liking this movie…
It’s Easter weekend and many of you may be recovering from a chocolate bunny induced coma. It’s also a time of year that we think about death and resurrection. Whether it is in the biblical sense, or the changes of…
Friday morning I woke up before the crack of dawn to jump into a small convertible with three guys to drive down to Boston to go to PAX East. PAX is the Penny Arcade gaming expo. PAX started in Seattle, Washington…
Pictured: Team Celerity – GR107 Draft Day – 1 year prior to ‘lights out’ (AKA Race Day). Today, the strongest candidates in the GRA were selected by the committees to join a racing crew. The 12th place crew from last…
ComicLink March Focused Auction The March 2012 ComicLink Focused Auction ended last week and here is a late Auction Highlights submission. Marvel remains the dominant player in these Focused Auctions. Of the top 50 books sold 40 were Marvels, 9…
If you take a look at the comic shelves, movie theatres and toy shelves over the last couple of years, there has been a revival of our favourites from the 80’s. Transformers has been the most successful 80’s franchise to…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Rude, Djurdjevic, Edwards, Young, Rivera, Quinones and Harris!
So a while back Andrew basically threw down the gauntlet and double dog dared more of us here at CBD to write reviews. I don’t think that I have the testicular fortitude to dissect a comic book with the surgeon…
Chew is a comic written by Jay Layman with art by Rob Guillroy and is published by Image. It has been on the New York Times Best Sellers list twice, and is considered Image’s most acclaimed titles. It takes place…
Buffy and or say X-Files might be the best comparison for Spare Keys for Strange Doors. Or maybe Lost Girl if you know it. Toby Hathaway and Marion Sark are professional supernatural problem solvers. ‘Blessed’ with powers of their own,…
Quite a few months ago I talked about changing my style of comic review here at Comic Book Daily. I wanted to pair down what was being presented: less about outlining the story or talking about the artwork. Since then…
This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss Brian Michael Bendis’ new deal with Random House, Scott Pilgrim going to color, details of the AvX launch party, Free Comic Book Day tidbits, and Angry Birds. The guys also open…
The horror genre in comics can easily be divided into two categories. In one group we have stories which are formulaic, largely unoriginal and don't really offer anything to the medium. Contrarily, there are comic horror stories which push the storytelling possibilities of the medium and take it new places or adapt it to new environments. Fan favourite writer Dan Abnett hopes to provide the latter over the course of his new eight-part series through DC's Vertigo imprint with his horror tale, The New Deadwardians.
Very simple this week. In the interests of feeling like a child again AND to feel a greater connection to the fictional, comic characters that occupy our mischievous minds on a daily basis, I’d like to pose a simple question……
Justice League of America #9, DC Comics, February 1962 DC’s new Justice League has dominated the comic sales charts since the book launched DC’s New 52 back in the last week of August 2011. The title has been the best…
Hawkman is one of DC's more notable characters that has never quite caught on with comic fans beyond its core base. Most recently Carter Hall figured into the company's Brightest Day maxi-series, before mostly fading to obscurity prior to the "New 52" relaunch in Sept. 2011. Prior to its first issue, the series was touted as featuring Hawkman in a more violent comic with a vicious tone unseen in previous iterations.
A graphic novel offered serially online and in print by Faith Erin Hicks, a wonderfully talented Canadian cartoonist. [quote]A coming-of-age tale with a spooky twist! Maggie McKay hardly knows what to do with herself. After an idyllic childhood of homeschooling…
As our readers are well aware, we are always striving for excellence here at the Comic Book Daily offices. We are constantly coming up with new and interesting ideas for content. It will come as no surprise that CBD is…
Welcome to Retailer Q, spinning 52Q’s format at top Canadian comic retailers. Comic Book Daily asks the question and our retail friends give their perspective.
DC's New 52 is six months old, titles have been cancelled and new titles announced; all in all a resounding success. As retailers are you seeing sales of DC's titles sinking back to pre-relaunch numbers? Are you selling more DC titles than you were before the relaunch? How does DC's future look from this point on?