Are #1 Issues Overvalued?
Are #1’s Overvalued? The very high end of the comic collecting world is crowded with character 1st appearances. Of the top 10 Golden Age comics 7 are 1st appearances of a character, same thing for the Silver Age 7 out…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Are #1’s Overvalued? The very high end of the comic collecting world is crowded with character 1st appearances. Of the top 10 Golden Age comics 7 are 1st appearances of a character, same thing for the Silver Age 7 out…
Bruce Brown and Dwight MacPherson return to their Lovecraftian world with the second installment of their graphic novel series, "Howard Lovecraft and the Undersea Kingdom."
It was last year when Marvel started releasing .1 versions of our favourite comic books. At the time I didn’t pay any attention to what .1 was all about. I was reading a lot of IDW comics and only a…
While in the past I’ve made a concerted effort to keep separate my dual roles in the comic book industry, this weekend marked the first time I worked a comic convention both as media and as an exhibitor. Although some…
In preparation for the Avengers movie CBD is taking at look back at the films that led to this monumental cinematic occasion. This week the Road To The Avengers suits up for Iron Man 2. Anthony: Another very strong ensemble cast…
This week’s show has hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discussing the Avengers movie tracking towards a huge opening weekend, Peter Parker finally meeting Miles Morales, DC running TV ads for “Before Watchmen”, the just happened Wizard World Toronto comic…
The first comic I ever bought was Batman Vs Judge Dredd from 2000AD in about 1994. I honestly wish I still had it, the art was beautiful and the story was cool enough to claim me as a comics guy…
One of the most positive aspects of the comic book industry is that conventions and events allow a continual opportunity for fans to meet and interact with their favourite creators. It can be somewhat of a surreal experience to hold…
PHOTO OF THE DAY: T-800 Terminator For the entire Wizard World Toronto 2012 photo set on Flickr, click here. For Saturday’s photos, click here. All…
Wizard World Toronto completed its third year on the weekend and the show continues to to show growth and strength in the Toronto convention market. This year saw the use of the Toronto Convention Centre, which is a far more…
Our Bronze Age Index comprises some landmark titles that feature the first appearances of The Punisher, Hobgoblin, Sabretooth, Wolverine, Phoenix, and Emma Frost. And now is probably not a bad time to get your hands on them, considering as a…
WIzard World Toronto 2012 Photo Parade - Saturday
John Byrne has been doing some great work recently with The Next Men relaunch so I didn’t hesitate to pick up Cold War Volume 1: The Damocles Contract. Acclaimed creator John Byrne releases his latest creation, MI-6 agent Michael Swann.…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Lark, Rude, Miller, Rose, Chadwick, Kirby, Lieber and more!
The Dark Knight Rises is coming to theatres this summer, and from the very beginning we’ve been told this will be the third and final film in the franchise by Christopher Nolan. So what does the future hold for Batman…
I spotted this in a recent previews and after snagging a copy found out City Of Glass The Graphic Novel is a reissue of a 2004 publication that was itself a new printing of a 1994 work. Whew! Quinn writes…
My family is moving next week so I’ve been packing up my comics “stuff” since I don’t let the kids touch it and my wife steers clear of my hobby. Box after box of hardcovers and trade paperbacks were carefully…
Fun show this week as hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk about Iron Man 3 movie news, Captain America 2 movies news, Avengers movie news, Batman movie news and Spider-Man movie news, boy that’s a lot of movie news.…
With the next big event in the UK scene fast approaching, I thought it best to open the box on the ‘Kapow!’ ComicCon and break it into little nuggets of joy for all to nibble as they see fit. I…
2001, A Space Odyssey #8, Marvel Comics, July 1977 Aaron Stack aka Z2P45-9-X-51 aka X-51 aka Machine Man is an android hero created by the still very creative and fertile mind of a 60 year old Jack Kirby. The US Government…
Similarly to film, summers tend to lend themselves to huge blockbuster story lines in comics. With seven years of planning behind it, Marvel's 2012 foray pits the Avengers against the X-Men. The Hope-centric plot brings together the world's greatest heroes and places them on opposing sides; one fights to save the world, the other to preserve its very existence.