Celerity Page 8

Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Every five years on the night before lights-out,  all new and existing race-crew members must attend the extremely high profile and prestigious Grand Race Academy Prom. In addition to a flock of hand-picked, political and…

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The latest from Humanoids, bringing English translations of European works. Megalex was a three-volume work released in French in 1999, 2002 and 2008. This is its first English release. On the planet-city of Megalex, urban sprawl and technology consume all,…

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Specimen B28

This time we’re going out of this world. While at Wizard World I ran into Stephen Daymond whose work I had noticed before but hadn’t followed up on. Specimen B28 is a little bit 70’s UFO culture, a little bit Tripping…

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Summer Drought

The summer is almost upon us and as such seems to mark a dramatic slowdown in my comic buying. I’m not quite sure why but every summer material I’m interested in dries up and my ordering list gets smaller and…

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Sorry, what?

I was going about my business yesterday lunchtime in the most normal way with a trip to Tesco’s for a £2.50 meal deal: a ploughman’s sandwich, a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a Kit Kat.  I then meandered over…

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