
The other day I was on twitter looking through posts when I came across one from Kevin Smith. I am a Jay and Silent Bob fan, so naturally I follow him. He said he was having a bad day and…

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Clay County

When the world is at its end, say as the result of an alien invasion for example, once international military forces have been defeated there is little hope for sustained survival of humankind.

That isn't the case in Clay County.

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Space Kid

We’re going back this week. Back in a retro sense, but also a bit of history. John MacLeod’s Space Kid is a throwback. And a self-aware one at that. If you enjoy 50’s science fiction, Astro Boy or rocket ships…

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How do you do it?

How do we do things? Firstly, I buy the on-going monthly’s that I’m reading in print, obviously I do.  I visit the comic shop every Wednesday like a kid on Christmas.  I like the comic shop like a fat Englishman…

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Batman Incorporated #1

From 2006 forward, Grant Morrison's name has been synonymous with Batman. Through the main title and his definitive Batman tale, to the depths of certain oblivion through time, back to the re-ascension of Bruce Wayne to the mantle of the Bat, Morrison's Batman opus has garnered a fair and justified amount of acclaim over the last six years. His name was missing, however, from the new crop of "New 52" titles in Fall 2011 when DC relaunched its titles. Moving several months forward, we find Morrison has returned to finish his Batman Inc. story, it leading the way for DC's second wave of "New 52" titles.

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Celerity Page 9

Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Kalila Corliss Navigator See Page 2 PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS in the GRA Introduction: 1.1 The GRA recognises that, as race-crew members spend the majority of their training in each other’s company, a close personal relationship…

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This weekend in ol’ Blighty saw the Kapow!  comic convention role into town, boldly claiming the London Business Design Centre as its own for 2 full days in the capital’s North East.  The show was much hyped online by the English…

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