Making WebComics

The comics industry is a tough nut to crack for those who plan to squeeze inside it somehow.  There’s no clear or obvious path towards a ‘job’ like there is in some industries.  There’s no… “this much school”, “this degree”,…

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Celerity Page 12

Sebediah Aziza Racer See Page 1 Kalila Corliss Navigator See Page 2 See Page 9 GR107 Press Release As is common knowledge among GR fans all over the globe, the first race in the opening phase  of GR107 will be…

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Silk Spectre #1

The doomsday clock has finally struck midnight and the Watchmen prequels are finally upon us. From general observations it would seem nuclear war didn't accompany the release of the first issue of Cooke's Minute Men mini-series, nor has a similar catastrophic event occurred upon the release of Silk Spectre #1. Aimed to expand the past leading up to Alan Moore's seminal Watchmen, a number of creators have thrown their names into the figurative, perhaps literal, fire of fan's scorn upon attaching themselves to these projects, including Watchmen editor Len Wein who provides the Curse of the Crimson Corsair back-up story.

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Lighten Up Man!

The last couple weeks have been sort of negative for me. First off we had the news that G.I. Joe Retaliation is being pushed back until March 2013, for the addition of 3D and more scenes with Channing Tatum. Secondly,…

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Bear Nuts

Bear Nuts is wrong. Cute fluffy animals doing unspeakable things wrong.  Seriously, when the cast list is: Prozac, Death, Gimp, Lech, Evil, Tanked, Gay, Nerd and Cracked Bear you know this is just wrong, wrong, wrong. And Alison Acton does…

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What a Banker

Real life Superhero alert!… Remaining anonymous to protect his true identity, this ballsy British banker has declared his very own war on crime in England’s second city: Birmingham. This normal-looking English chap crunches numbers in a boring office by day.…

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