Chi’s Sweet Home

Chi’s Sweet Home is an ongoing manga series by Konami Kanata about a kitten named Chi as she discovers the world around her.  Chi’s Sweet Home is just plain fun to read because Chi is extremely adorable and acts like…

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Project Ballad

I’m not sure Project is the right term for this comic. I think Enterprise Ballad might be more fitting because this seems like something big. Really big. So big that in everything so far presented I can’t even begin to…

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Rebel Blood #4

Rebel Blood is one of many zombie based books available for the consumption of horror fans, and considering that, we must ask what differentiates them from each other. Which are good, which are less so; in the end, which are worth our money and which are not? Given the arc of Link and Rossmo's story and its ultimate conclusion, it's very clear Rebel Blood in any incarnation is worth every cent of its price tag.

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The Comedian #1

On the heels of its first two Before Watchmen titles, Minute Men and Silk Spectre, last week DC released the third entry in its set of prequel stories plotted before Alan Moore's infamous Watchmen series. The Comedian follows suit comparably to the previous Before Watchmen books in their portrayal of the principal characters' lives leading into Moore's work, and while each has added considerable layers to pre-existing elements of the plot and the respective character histories, inevitably they suffer from the same affliction inherent to the premise of these tales

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I Heart New York

New York is a great city. I know that isn’t exactly groundbreaking news, but every introductory sentence I write can’t be a winner. On a recent trip to New York I noticed how seeing the city in person gives you…

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Spider-Men #1

You can say whatever you want about Brian Michael Bendis, some fans love him, some hate him, but he has done a great job as the Ultimate Spider-Man scribe over the past 10 years. He also has been pretty familiar…

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Celerity Page 13

    “First race in GR107 sees an almost fatal crash on the winding, city streets of Rome.” “Fresh calls for Grand Racing to be axed.”   “Environmentally unfriendly GRA cause massive rift in global economy.” “Should sport be made to stage…

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