Gambit #1

Gambit titles have also been an oddity. Popular enough that Marvel has included him in a number of ensemble X-Men titles, but never popular enough to hold his own title, past solo outings for the "Ragin' Cajun" have been a mixed bag of results.

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Wild Children

WILD CHILDREN Written by Ales Kot Art by Riley Rossmo Colors/edits by Gregory Wright Letters by Clayton Cowles Published July 2012 by Image Comics 64 pages, full color Order online: Amazon, Book Depository Much like its protagonists, WILD CHILDREN is…

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Twitter Has Spoken

This week I wanted something different to read.  So I asked the Twitter-verse to help me out and tell me which comics I should pick up this week (you can follow me too @EdCampbell_CBD).  Just using the hash-tags #comic, #comicbooks and…

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The Olympics

I can’t let the final week of the London games go by without another little salute to the athletes and characters taking part.  With my nerdorific brain working the way it does, I’m led to a simple question that may…

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Hawkeye #1

The first issue of Matt Fraction's ​Hawkeye ​series is one of a number of titles debuting prior to the "Marvel Now!" initiative. The series finds Fraction and David Aja, the team behind The ​Immortal Iron Fist​, reuniting to bring readers deeper into a more personalized view of Marvel's alpha-archer, Clint Barton.

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