Dave’s Comics

I’ve just returned home from a short holiday on England’s arty south coast in the attitudy town of Brighton. Brighton is packed with tattoos, dreadlocks, guitars, local bands, art-culture, galleries, motorcycles and generally all things cool and niche.  As is…

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Zub celebrates fantasy storytelling with ‘Skullkickers,’ ‘Pathfinder’

Comic books are not exclusively defined by the exploits of superheroes and their costumed escapades. While the industry is surely dominated by the titles published by larger, corporate-owned companies, much like any other medium, tucked away in the unlit corners of creation rest works of art by independent writers and artists whose work pushes and challenges the comic medium beyond the boundaries of its minimum safe distance.

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Auction Highlights #70

Auction Highlights #70 ComicLink’s August Featured Auction ends Friday August 31st. All the books listed below sold between Tuesday August 28th and Thursday August 30th. C-Link’s August offering was heavy on the original art, which Scott should cover in the…

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While some blame the Internet for declining sales of print comics, the democratic, shareable and open nature of the world wide web has created an excellent marketplace for boutique books. Whether Kickstarter’d, Indiegogo’d, pre-ordered or otherwise, self-published minicomics and graphic…

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