Crash! Part 15
Dennis De Pues presents Crash!!! Please contact Dennis at [email protected] with any comments or questions. Full size.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Dennis De Pues presents Crash!!! Please contact Dennis at [email protected] with any comments or questions. Full size.
JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL Vol. 1 The Signal Masters Collects Justice League International #1-6 Written by Dan Jurgens Pencils by Aaron Lopresti Inks by Matt Ryan Published May 22, 2012 DC Comics, 144-page color paperback, $14.99 Content rated T – Teen…
Last night I had the opportunity to attend an art gallery reception for Back Alleys and Urban Landscapes , Michael Cho‘s art book on the unseen treasures of hidden Hogtown. Cho draws back the veil on these necessary arteries, and lets the…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Smith, Martin, Bolland, Heck, Rivoche, Cho, Sienkiewicz, Timm, Robbins, Kane and more!
A couple of weeks ago, Spider-Man celebrated his 50th anniversary with the release of Amazing Spider-Man #692. I didn’t pay much attention to that comic because it had been years since I bought my last Spider-Man book. At the most…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: NEW YORK– DC is ecstatic…
I’ve just returned home from a short holiday on England’s arty south coast in the attitudy town of Brighton. Brighton is packed with tattoos, dreadlocks, guitars, local bands, art-culture, galleries, motorcycles and generally all things cool and niche. As is…
Comic books are not exclusively defined by the exploits of superheroes and their costumed escapades. While the industry is surely dominated by the titles published by larger, corporate-owned companies, much like any other medium, tucked away in the unlit corners of creation rest works of art by independent writers and artists whose work pushes and challenges the comic medium beyond the boundaries of its minimum safe distance.
ComicLink has just wrapped up its August Featured Auction with the original comic art segment ending August 30th. Here we’ll take a look at five highlights of the auction. Before diving into that it’s interesting that approximately one third of…
Dennis De Pues presents Crash!!! Please contact Dennis at [email protected] with any comments or questions. Full size.
OK, this time around it’s not really from around the internet but from around Fan Expo 2012. As always I picked up a few pieces of comic art, commissions or items the artist had in their portfolios for sale. No…
Well Fan Expo has wrapped up for another year, and I like most of you are tired and beat up from the weekend. It was long. It was hard work. But it was a lot of fun. I think this…
Auction Highlights #70 ComicLink’s August Featured Auction ends Friday August 31st. All the books listed below sold between Tuesday August 28th and Thursday August 30th. C-Link’s August offering was heavy on the original art, which Scott should cover in the…
JUSTICE LEAGUE Vol. 1 Origin Collects Justice League #1-6 Written by Geoff Johns Pencils by Jim Lee Inks by Scott Williams Released May 2, 2012 DC Comics, 176-page color hardcover, $24.99 Content rated T – Teen Order online: Amazon, Book…
So this is an interesting column for me but maybe it shows the insight to a creative mind. Or maybe I just have a huge ego that thinks that there are more than three people who read this column. So…
No matter how many times a character is rebooted, restarted, or renumbered it is still a milestone to be in constant publication for 50 years. Our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man has his Golden Jubilee this year and Marvel has a host…
As I do for every comic convention the bulk of my time was spent in Artist’s Alley over the four days of Toronto’s Fan Expo 2012. I collect comic art and so wait in line for hours and hours to…
This year my wife was able to join me on Sunday for Fan Expo. She enjoys taking pictures and I thought it would be great if she just walked around the show, taking some pictures of the crowd and what…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: METROPOLIS– The world is abuzz…
And so another Fan Expo has come and gone, and those of us who attended are left with fond memories, lighter pocketbooks, and sore, sore feet. Every year Fan Expo continues to grow, bringing more attendees, more exhibitors, and more…
While some blame the Internet for declining sales of print comics, the democratic, shareable and open nature of the world wide web has created an excellent marketplace for boutique books. Whether Kickstarter’d, Indiegogo’d, pre-ordered or otherwise, self-published minicomics and graphic…