Comic Culture September 19th

Welcome back to a new season of the Comic Culture radio show. This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss the Montreal Comic Con that just was, the Joe Shuster Awards that just were and the latest in comic book news that just is!

The boys shine some light on a few new releases hitting comic book stands today and they open up the Comic Culture Mailbag to the questions people really need answers to. Go ahead and pour yourself that nice stiff drink then sit back, relax and enjoy the Comic Culture radio show.

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Tarantino Comic

DC Comics September 12: “You may remember that at San Diego Comic Con we announced that Vertigo will be publishing a DJANGO UNCHAINED mini-series based on the upcoming film by Quentin Tarantino. This morning, we revealed that R.M. Guéra (Scalped) is the interior artist on the DJANGO UNCHAINED…

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The Massive & The Creep: Two of the better DHP “pilots”

A strategy becoming apparent in Dark Horse's latest incarnation of DARK HORSE PRESENTS is using it as a kind of testing site for new series. In some more successful cases, Dark Horse has collected the serialized stories into issue #0s to kick off new series. Two of the better titles to come from this strategy so far are John Arcudi’s THE CREEP and Brian Wood’s THE MASSIVE.

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