Otto the Odd and the Dragon King
Sorry, got turned away at Expo and wandered off for a while. So digging back into my TCAF bag of tricks I came across a flyer for Otto the Odd and the Dragon King. An intriguing title and very nice looking…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Sorry, got turned away at Expo and wandered off for a while. So digging back into my TCAF bag of tricks I came across a flyer for Otto the Odd and the Dragon King. An intriguing title and very nice looking…
Welcome back to a new season of the Comic Culture radio show. This week hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija discuss the Montreal Comic Con that just was, the Joe Shuster Awards that just were and the latest in comic book news that just is!
The boys shine some light on a few new releases hitting comic book stands today and they open up the Comic Culture Mailbag to the questions people really need answers to. Go ahead and pour yourself that nice stiff drink then sit back, relax and enjoy the Comic Culture radio show.
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: STAR CITY– It’s been revealed…
I still am a bit tired from the amazing race that was Montreal, so this will be a bit of a mishmash recap. Scott, Walt and myself got a chance to represent CBD and Big B Comics and had a…
DC Comics September 12: “You may remember that at San Diego Comic Con we announced that Vertigo will be publishing a DJANGO UNCHAINED mini-series based on the upcoming film by Quentin Tarantino. This morning, we revealed that R.M. Guéra (Scalped) is the interior artist on the DJANGO UNCHAINED…
I had the pleasure of attending Montreal Comiccon 2012; yes that’s how they officially spell Comiccon and while I see people putting a space in that’s not how the organization spells it. This time around I worked a booth at…
I was put to the test in Montreal this past weekend and unfortunately I failed. I was set up as a vendor at the Montreal Comic Con and at one point during the show a young kid, maybe 11, walked…
A strategy becoming apparent in Dark Horse's latest incarnation of DARK HORSE PRESENTS is using it as a kind of testing site for new series. In some more successful cases, Dark Horse has collected the serialized stories into issue #0s to kick off new series. Two of the better titles to come from this strategy so far are John Arcudi’s THE CREEP and Brian Wood’s THE MASSIVE.
Since starting Comictrend a year ago and my By the Numbers column for comicbookdaily.com, I’ve received a few emails from new collectors asking for a “collecting 101” guide. With thousands of titles spanning over 70+ years, the hobby can be…
The Joe Shuster Awards took place in Montreal Saturday September 15th, during the Montreal Comiccon. Here’s the list of nominees with the winner in bold. Artist Chris Bachalo, Age of X: Alpha 1, Avengers 13, 15, Wolverine and the…
Dennis De Pues presents the final page of the 1st installment of Crash!!! Please contact Dennis at [email protected] with any comments or questions. Full size.
Ahhh, it’s fall. You can feel the chill in the air, and the crops are starting to come off. If you live in a rural area, you know what time of year it is, Fall Fair season. And that’s what…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Adams, Russell, McKone, Smith, Steacy, Miller, Dodson, Mignola, Booth, Noto and more!
The Question: If you could have any super power, what would it be? This question is asked of a comic fans all the time. Even when a non-comic lover finds out I am a comic fan, they ask this question.…
GREEN LANTERN Vol. 1 Sinestro Collects Green Lantern #1-6 Written by Geoff Johns Pencils by Doug Mahnke Published May 22, 2012 DC Comics, 160-page color hardcover, $22.99 Content rated T – Teen Order Online: Amazon.com, Book Depository Green Lantern passed…
For those who aren’t keeping up with their Canadian comic convention schedule the Montreal Comiccon is this weekend, September 14-16. For those who attended, or tried to attend, last year expect a lot of changes, all geared to getting you…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: NEW YORK– Some clever analysts…
I’d like to talk about the past year at DC comics, If I may. I’d like to open the door on how we think it’s all gone, a year on? With the luxury of hindsight. It’s been a full year…
As reboots go, PROPHET is somewhat out of the ordinary. Image’s update bears only a passing resemblance to the Extreme title from the ’90s on which it is based. Yet instead of beginning at the beginning with a #1, the…
All Star Comics #3, DC Comics, Winter 1940 I thought I’d go with a heavy hitter this week. All Star Comics #3 ranks up there as one of the most important superhero comics ever published. The book features the 1st…
An explosion rings out across a landscape, the shockwaves of the blast reverberating across an open field as the splintering bits of a small shack litter the country side, joined by the flailing human bodies and dismembered body parts of those too close to the blast's detonation. Meanwhile, elsewhere, a sly little monkey smirks at their misfortune.