Timing is Everything, Maybe
Last week I was talking comics with an old veteran and I asked him what’s been selling well on his eBay auctions to which he said: “Walt I don’t put anything up during the summer, it’s no use, prices are…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Last week I was talking comics with an old veteran and I asked him what’s been selling well on his eBay auctions to which he said: “Walt I don’t put anything up during the summer, it’s no use, prices are…
This week Chris and Walt talk about the futility of collecting titles through the ages. We’d love to hear what you thought of the show, please let us know in the comments field below and please keep it civil. Do…
Last week I was asked if I was setting up at Fan Expo Limited Edition in Toronto and I didn’t have an answer. The three-day show runs October 22 – 24, 2021 and I have no idea if I’m going…
In the pandemic era, awards shows have continued a steady decline in terms of viewership that began at least a decade ago. There are numerous explanations for why there is dwindling interest in events like the Golden Globes or Academy…
This week the boys try something offbeat and go off on a bit of a tangent, Walt tries to figure out just who his co-host is. Walt asks Chris a few telling questions, let’s see what Chris is all about.…
We’ve just gone over the hump of a year that’s so far been slowly improving. I hope that the light will continue to grow as we head into Labour Day, Thanksgiving, and the Christmas holidays. I remind you again that…
The 51st Overstreet Price Guide hit the stands last week and I’m having fun perusing my copy. I think everything I said in my report ended up being wrong so remember that next time I recommend a book. I like…
This week Chris tries to stump Walt on some comic book related tunes. Let’s see how Walt does. Please excuse the sound at times, Chris had the speaker a bit too close to the mic. Please let us know what…
Comic Book Daily supporter Alex Sorensen has been kind enough to give us another post for us to digest. Last time Alex did some great work on the Atomic Age and this time he tackles the Promise Collection. Let’s pass…
There used to be a time when I was such a purist regarding incomplete books, restored books, conserved books, even signed books. But times change and so have I, Blue is not the only colour I’m willing to see on…
This week Chris and Walt do a hard-core comic collector’s show, they tackle the Overstreet Price Guide’s Top 50 Silver Age books and decide whether they are a buy or a sell. Please let us know what you thought of…
Last Thursday I had the honour of hosting the Over the Hill Gang at the Big B warehouse. This gang of Canadian comic book veterans is made up of (moving clockwise from bottom left) Art Cooper, Vince Marchesano, Ivan Kocmarek,…
This week Chris and Walt are joined by long-time Comic Culture producer Shekky Feldstein and someone new to the show Cigarello Jameson, co-host from the Cigar Dungeon Podcast. The fellas try to figure out why the comic collecting market is…
I drank too much! It turned out to be a terrible weekend to have Argentinian and Italian friends. I thought I was going to get some R and R but ended having drinks with them celebrating their football victories, exhausting!…
Back in September 2019, my monthly edition of Forgotten Silver listed three creators (Vincent Marchesano, Sylvie Rancourt and Dave Geary), as well as one cohort of artists (FreeKluck) who I believe should be inducted into the Joe Shuster Awards’ Canadian…
I have a show ready to upload but when I put my thing into the thing… nothing happens! My 4GB memory chip has a show I’m trying to upload but my computer won’t read it. I’ll get someone to look…
About a month ago I was getting the sense that the ragging bull comic market was levelling off and in places even retreating. Looking around today I’m still seeing impressive price after impressive price come in. I don’t think the…
This week Chris and Walt talk movies. It’s been a long time since we’ve collectively gone out and enjoyed superhero movies. This week the boys run down a list of movies coming soon to a theatre near you and give…
I was cycling and took a nice spill on a hairpin turn this past Saturday and popped my clavicle out at the ligament. To make things worse I tore a muscle in my chest during the fall which is making…
This week Chris Owen tries to see just how smart Walt is with all things comics with another segment of our famous “Stump the Chump” bit. Please let us know what you thought of the show in the comments section…
Happy Solstice everyone. It’s nice to report that the Big B Comic shops are now open, albeit at 15% capacity, but capacity is only an issue at a few peak times during the week and people have been more than…