Wham! Bang! Pow! Video Blog Issue #3
[youtube ] I hope you enjoy my newest video blog. Make sure you check out favorite things! (Links below) Black levitra without prescription Milk Clothing Pinterest
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
[youtube ] I hope you enjoy my newest video blog. Make sure you check out favorite things! (Links below) Black levitra without prescription Milk Clothing Pinterest
I plan on observing my traditional Thanksgiving, which means by four o’clock this afternoon I will be shaking and dry-heaving in some jail cell somewhere with a world-class case of the D.T.’s. But before my incarceration and inevitable jail cell…
Quirky is the only word I can use to describe Mary Elizabeth’s Sock. Odd sounds negative. Weird sounds both negative and more like something from EC in the sixties. It’s not zany or screwball. It’s just, quirky. I don’t want…
First off we want to congratulate CFMU-FM 93.3 for being chosen Hamilton’s best radio station. That’s two years in a row. Take a bow CFMU! This week Comic Culture hosts Chris and Walt plug this Sunday’s Toronto Comicon, they also…
Christmas is rolling around and I’ve ordered my gift from my children at my local comic shop. That’s correct, I order my own gift to take away the uncertainty of getting something horrific. Two reasons for this: they’re 4 and…
I just found out about this and decided to share it here. The British Comic Awards is a brand new initiative to annually celebrate the very best in British comics. The aim is to commend and highlight the best stories…
Some comics are meant to be more disorienting than others. When you don’t know what’s going on in a story, it’s due to one of two things: author intent or bad writing. Author intent eventually reveals itself. Bad writing usually…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Miller, Cho, Simonson, Manning, Quesada, Tedesco, Cassaday, Dodson, Kane, Canete and more!
When you collect action figures, there is nothing better than tearing into that package and getting your hands on that action figure. I am not a MIB (or Mint-in-Box) guy. I like to get my hands on the toy. What…
The Pedigree Grand Auction has just wrapped up, all results below ended Wednesday November 14th. I don’t know how Mr. Schmell does it but he sure puts up a lot of very high grade Silver Age comics! Many of these…
Comic book collectors and Walking Dead fans are abuzz after yesterday’s two record breaking sales of Walking Dead #1. Two CGC 9.9 copies of Walking Dead #1 were posted on eBay as of yesterday morning. One of the copies was…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: S.H.I.E.L.D. HELICARRIER. In light of…
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris and Walt tackle some interesting topics including Tony Harris’ recent rant, the October comic book sales numbers, good news on the Goon movie front, Michael Arndt’s new gig as screenwriter for Star Wars Episode…
Wonder Comics #1, Fox Features Syndicate (May 1939) This is such a beast of a Golden Age comic. I’ve had Wonder Comics #1 in my scopes for a while but eased up on it after Undervalued Spotlight fan Warren contributed…
I was perusing the DC Entertainment Direct Channel retailer newsletter last night when I came across the following. DC COLLECTIBLES PROVIDES INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIXING THE DARKSEID DELUXE ACTION FIGURE DC Collectibles reports that the shoulder pads on the DARKSEID DELUXE…
Crash 2 by Dennis De Pues is coming soon exclusively to comicbookdaily.com.
Following on from last weeks’ post, I just wanted to share the sketch is it is now. The idea for this ‘make-believe’ storyline is to suggest a catastrophe in NYC with the JLA discovering the discarded remains of the currently…
Continuing the epic journey of Hal Foster’s most famous creation, Prince Valiant Volume 2: 1939-1940 brings Val into conflict with the Huns and Rome itself. In this second volume, Prince Valiant helps his father reclaim his throne in the kingdom…
Carla Speed McNeil’s FINDER is both dense and inviting. Characters appear and disappear, panels jump from dreamscapes to reality, from flashback to flash forward. But each page further illuminates this lush and expansive sci-fi universe, and a little patience with…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Moebius, Steranko, Miller, Dodson, Cho, Stokes, Wyeth, McCay, Canete, Immonen, Pham, Perger and more!
November 4th/2012 was the most recent Canadian ToyCon (formerly known as the Burlington Toy Show). It was at its new home, The Atrium Banquet and Conference Centre in Burlington. The November 4th edition of the CanToyCon felt like the biggest…