Web Arted Jan 18th
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
Comedy is very personal and either you find something funny or you don’t. So I’m not surprised when someone tells me that they don’t like such and such show or they don’t think that Jim Belushi is very funny. Deciding…
Monday evening Alice Quinn (from TDot Comics) and The Comic Book Lounge threw an all Ladies Comic Nerd night where geeky ladies could get together and talk about their love of nerdery. No men were allowed; even the owner of…
Looking back at Canada’s First Age of Comics, the WECA period (1941-6), we find that it never produced a team of superheroes like the JSA/JLA, The Avengers, The Mighty Crusaders, or Alpha Flight. Among the three “big” publishers we find…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: GOTHAM CITY – To…
Welcome to a brand new year of Comic Culture Radio. This year we’re looking forward to filling the airwaves with thought-provoking insights, hard-hitting journalism and in-depth interviews. If we come up short on these well then we’ll at least aim…
I was checking out Brian Michael Bendis’ Tumblr feed this week as he features a lot of great art when I came across this statement about Scarlet ever being released in trade paperback format. No. I know this is not…
Justice League of America #200, DC Comics (March 1982) The Justice League has been a hot property since Justice League #1 launched DC’s New 52 back in August of 2011. The title has stayed hot and it can only get…
An interesting spin on what we know of space exploration, The Chimpanzee Complex Volume 1: Paradox is an engaging look at humanity and the desire to achieve. In 2035, the US Navy discovers a strange space capsule that has crashed…
There are certain comic books that you are supposed to have read. Ones that have critical and/or commercial success behind them. Books like Maus and Watchmen and Love & Rockets and The Dark Knight Returns. Things that you know you…
Crash 2! By Dennis De Pues continues. Exclusively on comicbookdaily.com. Full size.
The latest in Bryan Talbot’s anthropomorphic steam punk epic, Grandville Bete Noire takes the familiar mystery framework and turns it on its ear, in a good way. The baffling murder of a famed Parisian artist in his locked and guarded…
[Just a warning, there may be spoilers ahead] Spider-Man is one of Marvel Comics most beloved characters. The character has been around for 50 years. That’s longer than some of your parents have been alive. Another beloved Marvel character is…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
Once upon a time I didn’t really care about over-sized hardcovers, collected editions, or trade paperback anthologies. I really just bought issues, and only issues, and liked it. I also possibly walked to the comic book store through ten feet of snow.…
Hockey is back!! In appreciation of this, I want to share a relevant WECA splash. It’s a good thing that comics can’t be prorogued or locked out, but, in a way, maybe that’s what happened to American comics when Canada’s…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: LOS ANGELES – The firestorm…
A stunning blend of word and illustration, Sergio Toppi elevates the comic art form in Sharaz-De: Tales From The Arabian Nights. A set of tales inspired by the Arabian Nights by the late European comics master Sergio Toppi, exploring a…
Dear Damon, Carlton, JJ and friends, please can we have a LOST comic book? The stereotypical nerd-culture fan – for whom this suggestion would cause a desperate drowning in their own misplaced, protective high-horsedness – could easily hide behind “they should…
Eat This Not That is a popular column in Men’s Health magazine. The authors of the column compare two menu items found in popular restaurants and highlight the nutritionally superior alternative. Now, when I say “nutritionally superior” it’s with a…
Crash 2! By Dennis De Pues continues. Exclusively on comicbookdaily.com. Full size.