Kill Shakespeare #2

Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood #2

Kill Shakespeare at no point has wavered in its quality prior to this second issue, a trend that has continued with its release. The series has been consistently excellent, founded on the creative trifecta of Del Col, McCreery and Belanger -- the three continue to offer twists and intrigue that spell the marks of a great comic. Kill Shakespeare: Tide of Blood is everything the original series was, only made better with the experience and evolution of the creators behind the title.

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WECA Wimmin’

  No, this is not going to be a piece about good girl art in the WECA books, nor about the small handful of female heroes (Nelvana, The Wing, Polka-Dot Pirate, Betty Burd etc.) that graced the pages of those…

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PAX East 2013

This weekend I packed up all my nerdy stuff, packed myself into a tiny car full of dudes, woke up at the crack of dawn and made my way down to Boston for PAX East. (Penny Arcade Expo) After three…

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