Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Web Arted Oct 11th
Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative?
Comic book reviews are one of the often-discussed topics here at Comic Book Daily. Or more specifically, should we be reviewing the good stuff we like (to promote it) or the stuff we didn’t like (to warn customers). Should we…
Comic Culture October 9th 2013
This week Comic Culture host Chris Owen welcomes back Walter Durajlija. Walt is currently the poster boy for the Canadian Dental Retainer Society but he’s toughing it out and jumping back on the saddle. Look for want to slur his…
Review | Battling Boy
Get Re-Auroralized!!
HTCC 2013 | A Day In Cosplay
Undervalued Spotlight #172
Triumph Adventure Comics #1, Hillsborough Studios, August 1941 I’ve had my sights on this Spotlight for a long time and with all the excitement being generated by some great news about the principal character there could be no better time to…
Campaign of the Week: Nelvana of the Northern Lights
Hey Kids! BUY these *bleeping* toys!
Web Arted Oct 4th
Absolute-ly | #5: Kaluta’s Shadow
Hamilton’s Comic Past
Sheltered #1-3
Indie Comics: scurrying among the giants
Undervalued Spotlight #171
THUNDER Agents, Tower Comics, November 1965 Should we be considering those Tower Comics from the 1960s? You know the ones Wally Wood was supposed to build up to challenge the heroes of Marvel and DC. I’ll try to put the…
Campaign of the Week: ‘In the Dark:’ A Horror Anthology
“Dream” Comic Book Shop
Comics Market Mirrors 1990s Crash
Web Arted Sep 27th
Auction Highlights #79
Auction Highlights #79, Comic Link September Focused Auction The Silver/Bronze portion of the September Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended, all results below ended between Tuesday September 24th and Wednesday September 26th. This auction was extremely Marvel heavy. Of…