Hamilton’s Comic Past

Saturday will be the first comic-themed con held in Hamilton in many a year. I hope we can make it a success and then an annual event that can be expanded to the whole weekend. My small contribution will be moderating a panel on Hamilton’s connection with comics and...
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Indie Comics: scurrying among the giants

Something interesting (dare I say weird) happened this past weekend. Given that I don't have nearly as much time to stop by my LCS every week to pick up with my weekly stash of the latest comics, it had been some time since I had been able to stop by the store. In fact, the last time I believe I was able to pick up anything was the week Johns' final issue on Green Lantern was released. So it had been awhile.
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Campaign of the Week: ‘In the Dark:’ A Horror Anthology

If you love horror comics, or even supernatural stories, this is a perfect comic for you as you'll get huge 250 page book filled from cover to cover with quality work from the writers and artists who offered their time to work on the project without any compensation up front. These ladies and gentlemen love their craft and love writing and drawing within the horror genre, and if you're a fan of their work or the genre itself you should support this project. The $50 perk is a great reward on its own, but if you're outside the U.S. and are squeamish about the extra shipping cost, getting the $10 digital PDF version is a great option
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Comics Market Mirrors 1990s Crash

Readers and collectors just have to refuse to spend hard-earned money on some of the junk that's thrown our way whether it's in the primary or the secondary market. As a reader-collector, I'm very discriminating in what I buy and collect because at $4 a pop - more for some books - reading comics is becoming a very expensive hobby; even more so for the serious collector seeking to purchase the classics. If we don't fall for the junk we can help keep some of the nonsense out of the market and ensure we get the most for our money
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Auction Highlights #79

Auction Highlights #79, Comic Link September Focused Auction The Silver/Bronze portion of the September Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended, all results below ended between Tuesday September 24th and Wednesday September 26th. This auction was extremely Marvel heavy. Of…

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