This one looks amazing. Not sure what role Robert Redford has, but the introduction of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier look great. I don't remember Bucky in the first Captain America movie...
Read MoreFirst Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailerWhen I was a kid we didn’t get HBO in Canada, so the only time I ever got to watch the channel was on family vacations to the United States. This wasn’t so bad because HBO wasn’t always the bastion…
Read MoreEC Horror: Tales From the CryptAuction Highlights #80, Comic Link October Focused Auction The Silver/Bronze portion of the October Comic Link Focused Auction has just ended. All results below ended Tuesday October 22nd. I know I sound like a broken record but boy was this…
Read MoreAuction Highlights #80This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Shekky Feldstein join sound engineer Andrew “Young Buck” Roebuck and the late arriving Walter Durajlija for a nice hour talking comic books. The boys cover New This Week, Comic Culture Mailbag, Industry…
Read MoreComic Culture October 23rd 2013“Johnny (Jack) Canuck.” He was a personification of our national identity much in the same way that America had “Uncle Sam” and Britain “John Bull,” who started to be depicted in political cartoons just a couple of years (1869) after Confederation. Like all national personifications he is an hyperbole, let’s say like a lumberjack riding a Timmie’s donut inner tube down the rapids a river of maple syrup and using a hockey stick for a rudder.
Read MoreThe Canuck Corps.It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant. He is…BIFF SOCKO!
Read MoreBIFF SOCKO: “Pittsfield Needs an Enema!”Lazarus by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark combines family dynasties, with all its intrigue and plot twists, and high tech action adventure to create a rewarding page turner.
Read MoreReview | Lazarus Vol 1: FamilyIn Tales from The Comicdenn I am going to share some of the interesting adventures I have had in this great hobby and hopefully a few nuggets of wisdom as it pertains to collecting, along the way.
Read MoreWelcome to Tales from The ComicdennUndervalued Spotlight readers often send me emails with recommendations for future Undervalued Spotlight picks. Some I’m choosing to hold back on (we’re not ready for the 3rd appearance of Deadpool just yet) while others impress me so much that I…
Read MoreUndervalued Spotlight #174Crowdfunding platforms provide the unique opportunity for creators to connect with comic book fans, bringing them together into one place to celebrate your idea. Many of the campaigns I've come across are fairly straight-forward, yet this week's featured campaign takes crowdfunding and the concept of fan-driven comics to another plateau, allowing fans to choose the Kickstarter special edition cover for The Rock Thrower, a baseball-centric graphic novel that brings two men of different cultural backgrounds together, bonded by an honest love for the game they cherish.
Read MoreCampaign of the Week: ‘The Rock Thrower’Jonathan Hickman's Avatar debut has potential but needs more meat if it's going to stand with his Image hits.
Read MoreReview | God is Dead #1-2Batman '66 is making a resurgent comeback too. It was several months ago when I noticed in Previews that there were action figures coming out based on the series. I am not a big DC toy collector, but my love of the series immediately piqued my interest in picking these up. I have been able to locate only Batman, Riddler and Penguin at regular retail, while I have found Joker, "Surfing" Batman and "The Dynamic Duo" at a specialty store.
Read MoreHoly ’66 Batman!!!Read MoreTrekWARS 1A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.
Read MoreWeb Arted Oct 18thBeginning with the November 2013 issue Marvel Previews will be free for all in its digital form. Since it's a catalog that only makes sense, but Diamond has been charging all of us for years to see what's coming out soon by way its Diamond Previews magazine. A few years ago Marvel left Diamond Previews and began publishing its own glossy catalog but continued the practice of charging for it, which will still be the case for the print format.
Read MoreMarvel Previews finally free digitallyOn occasion these B-sides became hits in themselves and sometimes even outshone their original A-sides in popularity. In the same vein, I think that there are a few WECA book back covers that merit attention and offer lots of historical information to mine and I wanted to share some of them with you.
Read MoreMy Back Pages I am lucky enough to live in one of the biggest cities in Canada (Toronto) and because of this I have had the opportunity to meet some amazingly talented people. Recently, many of these people have been launching projects that I am amazed and very proud of them for. So, I thought instead of hoarding all the information I know about these projects, I would share some of them with you.
Read MoreToronto Based ProjectsThis week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and slurpy boy Walter Durajlija join producer Shekky Feldstein and sound engineer Andrew “Young Buck” Roebuck for a lively hour of comic book chit chat. The boys cover New This Week, Comic Culture Mailbag, Industry…
Read MoreComic Culture October 16th 2013When you're the only game in town as Informa Canada is, and as Hobbystar was before them, you get the luxury of setting the rules all others must play by. And when it comes to the point where that relative authority is challenged by another entity such as Wizard, that challenge will be met with a response of equal weight.
Read MoreGTA Comic Con a positive addition to T.O. comic sceneI remember having a conversation with Marc (the guru that runs Big B Comics) maybe two years back about the Death of Superman trade paperback. We were unpacking our weekly order and I pulled out about 5 or 6 copies…
Read MoreUndervalued Spotlight #173Welcome to this (Canadian) Thanksgiving edition of the "Campaign of the Week." Although this isn't a new campaign, with 19 days left, a cool concept and some very nice artwork, The Vagabond seems like a campaign worth throwing a little bit of support behind Nathanael Hopkins-Smith's effort as its final three weeks count down.
Read MoreCampaign of the Week: ‘The Vagabond’