Captain Canuck Panel

Panelists: Fadi Hakim, Richard Comely, Paul Gardner, Dean Henry, Mike Valiquette, Kalman Andrasofszky, George Zotti. The panel started with a viewing of the Captain Canuck web-series in its entirety. The web-series is an animated adventure that introduces (or re-familiarizes) Canada with their very own hero Captain Canuck. You can catch the series on the Captain Canuck website.
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Storm by Dave Cockum. Source:

The Gender Gap In Comics

For me, this forty percent figure exaggerates the actual percentage of women comic book readers. My own experiences from attending Comic Cons and comic book stores in Vancouver would put the figure more at about twenty percent of comic book readers being women. The comic book industry is still largely dominated by men.
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“Lost Heroes” Premiere

Overall the documentary was a slick and informative effort. It reminded me a little of the recent PBS Superheroes three-parter because it made heavy use of talking heads in front of green screen projections. This allowed the film itself to take on a sense of comic book levity and healthy self-deprecation. A comic book doc has to be heavy on graphics from the books themselves and this one didn’t let us down in that respect.
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Restored Grade CGC

The thought of Restored Grade , also known as the dreaded "Purple Label", has been known to make an avid comic collector or two, shudder, when they receive the assigned grade on a CGC submission. Nothing makes you want to raise your fist to the heavens , and scream NOOOO!!! like getting a great grade only to have the dreaded purple label.
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Undervalued Spotlight #192

Dazzler #1, Marvel Comics, March 1981. I’m pricing up books for the upcoming Toronto Comic Con and ran into a nice batch of X-Men. There was a sweet copy of issue #130 in there and I had to pick it up and thumb through it. I remember this book coming out and me being a bad boy rock and roller at the time I remember I hated the character.
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Auction Highlights #83

The comic book portion of ComicLink’s February Featured Auction Ended Wednesday February the 26th and what a mammoth auction it was! For the 1st time ever really a strong group of quality “Canadian Whites” were on auction and the results can only be described as historic. I’ll direct you to Ivan Kocmarek’s post covering that portion of the auction. As I said above, this was a very strong auction.
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1989 In Comics: Happy 25th Anniversary!

1989 is one of those years that doesn't seem like it was that long ago. The late seventies or early eighties, sure, and anything pre Star Wars definitely. But 1989 can't be that long ago right? It isn't like someone who was born that year could now legally rent a car or anything. Time, as they say, does fly and before we know it a quarter of a century has passed since we were asked if we had ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight. But 1989 wasn't only the year that introduced us to Prince's Bat-Dance, for there were a lot of other comic book milestones that year. Here are a few of the key books and events that made headlines.
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Comic Collecting Costs on the Rise

The weakening Canadian Dollar got me to thinking about the effect it is having, if any, on the back issue comic book market. Comic books are like oil in that they are traded in U.S. dollars. The price guide is quoted in U.S. dollars, almost all the big internet dealers are U.S. based and all the major comic auction sites are U.S. and prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars. Basically holding a comic collection is like holding U.S. dollars.
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Love ’em or Hate ’em? CGC Signature Series

I guess my dislike for Signature Series books would go all the way back ,to when 10 year old me stupidly signed my name to the top right hand corner of Silver Surfer # 1,2,3, and yes, number 4, only to realize as I became more knowledgeable in the collecting world, that this was a great way to make my books very unattractive to sell or trade. As well as devalue them.
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Jacking Up The Price

When it comes to action figures, there are popular figures and there are "highly sought after figures". And most times, the popular figures are not the ones that die-hard collector's want. We want the hard to find and obscure characters.
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