John Bell

  John Bell is probably best known to you for his published work on Canadian comics. He was kind enough to take the time to answer a number of questions I sent him with a view to publishing his responses…

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My Fan Expo 2014 Weekend

Wow... what a weekend for Fan Expo. I don't think I've fully recovered yet. It was an insanely busy 4 days of comic book, video game, Sci-Fi and horror fun. If you missed out on Fan Expo this year, you missed out on one of the best I have ever attended. Sure there were some hiccups and bumps along the road for this year's show, but all in all it was the most attended and in my opinion most successful Fan Expo's in it's 20 year history.
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WECA Price Guide

Now that the latest Overstreet Price Guide has included an article on the Canadian war-time comic books and now that the books themselves are beginning to realize handsome price ranges, is it time to put together a Canadian WECA Price…

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Limited Fan Expo Coverage: No Big Deal

I don't believe Fan Expo needs or really wants any press coverage: they have 100,000 or more email addresses of people who attend their show. A built-in captive audience they can sell to whom they know like the product they offer. One free pass means one body in the show who didn't pay and is taking a spot in a packed convention centre that could have been occupied by a paying customer.
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Spidey Super Stories 1-57

We have featured many arcs in the last little while so I thought this week we'd take a look at a run. This run features Spider-Man outside of the regular continuity of the Marvel universe and in a joint venture the Electric Company. The Electric Company is the name of a PBS (US Public broadcasting) children’s TV show. It used live action skits featuring Spider-Man and Electric company characters, Easy Reader, Detective Fargo North, Jennifer of the Jungle, and a cast of kids to challenge evil doers like Blowhard, The Prankster, and the Blue Beetle.
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As a collector of various things for more than 50 years and, specifically, as a collector of Canadian war-time comics for the last two years or so, I have had pause to step outside myself and take an up high and a little to the side look at myself and this activity, pastime, or, some (specifically wives) would say, a kind of pathology, that has echoed in us down through history. With Fan Expo looming, in this column I want to examine what has put the wind in my collecting sails over this past half century and hope that it makes some sense at one point or another.
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