Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Comic Culture December 10th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk comics with producer Shekky Feldstein. So why don’t you sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your…
Easson Find
It’s an understatement to point out that most average income collectors, like me, have been priced out of battling for WECA comics through online auctions now that the comic collecting community has more widely become aware of them: of their…
Big John Buscema…Hands Down!
As any regular readers of this column doubtlessly know, I am a huge fan of Big John Buscema. We are coming up on the 13th anniversary of his passing on January 10th, and I have been looking through some of my…
Undervalued Spotlight #222
Avengers #93, Marvel Comics, (November 1971) Recently I spent a good whack of money on a nice little pile of raw books. I had to pay a hefty premium for some of the hotter books like Fantastic Four #52 and…
The Collector
ComicLink Fall Featured Auction 2014 Original Art
Web Arted Dec 5th
Christmas Gift Guide
You Want 2nds? Double Dish of Death
Hi folks, welcome to ARCHIE G’s. I’m your waiter, Raoul. Here at Archie G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a first issue:…
Auction Highlights #87
Comic Link Fall Featured Auction The comic book portion of ComicLink’s Fall Featured Auction ended Wednesday December 3rd and there were some very interesting results. To say that the market is hot would be an understatement! So many books set…
Your New World
There are very few comic books that are truly scary and cause those fine hairs on the back of my neck to stand to attention but here’s one that’s a Canadian WECA book. In the spring of 1942 a strange…
Review | The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
Undervalued Spotlight #221
X-Force #11, Marvel Comics, June 1992 “Is it safe”? Remember than line in the old Marathon Man movie from the 1970s? Where Sir Lawrence Olivier is torturing Dustin Hoffman with some dental hooks? I found myself asking the same question…
Draw Out the Story: Ten Secrets to Creating Your Own Comics
This book makes me angry…I’m bitter that books this great weren’t around when I was a kid. Draw Out the Story: Ten Secrets to Creating Your Own Comics by local cartoonist Brian McLachlan and released mid 2013 is a must…
Web Arted Nov 28th
Marvel 1960s Annuals: Part Two, Spider-Man
Part 2 of this series on Marvel silver age annuals continues with the Amazing Spider-Man. I thought I had better get to this group of books in a hurry before Walt shines the Undervalued Spotlight on all of these books.…
“Marvel’s Changes This Time, And We Do It In Rhyme ”
“Dear Doc Curmudgeon” is a column by Clint McElroy, made up of completely fabricated responses to mostly fabricated questions. But you knew that, due to your discerning nature and brilliant mind which would never fall for a columnist trying to butter you…
Comic Culture November 26th 2014
This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija talk comic book stuff with producer Shekky Feldstein. So sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s Comic Culture. Oh, and please, please make sure you go out and support your local…
Frederick Griffin
Text stories, a whole bunch of words and a couple of pictures; they were probably the most skipped-over part of any WECA comic they appeared in. Though they didn’t appear in every war-time Bell Features comic book, they did appear…
Nick Fury…to the MAX!
Being an admitted “Son of the Silver Age,” I usually have something to say about that era .Today’s column is a little different. I am going to share with you a gem from 2012 The series is a Fury Max title called “My…