Easson Find

It’s an understatement to point out that most average income collectors, like me, have been priced out of battling for WECA comics through online auctions now that the comic collecting community has more widely become aware of them: of their…

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ComicLink Fall Featured Auction 2014 Original Art

The ComicLink Fall Featured Auction 2014 Original Art session ended last night. There was a large amount of items, over 650, and Featured Auctions are supposed to only have art expected to fetch $500 or more. A lot of great material was sold with some big dollars for the usual suspects. As always let's take a look at five pieces that are on the lower end of the spectrum, or as we art buyers like to think affordable.
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Christmas Gift Guide

It is that time of year again! The gingerbread lattes are out, the stores are playing Christmas Carols, and your local comic book shop has a myriad of gift ideas for the comic book fan on your list. 2014 has been a very solid year for comic books, so here, in no particular order, are some suggestions from yours truly.
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Your New World

There are very few comic books that are truly scary and cause those fine hairs on the back of my neck to stand to attention but here’s one that’s a Canadian WECA book. In the spring of 1942 a strange…

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Frederick Griffin

Text stories, a whole bunch of words and a couple of pictures; they were probably the most skipped-over part of any WECA comic they appeared in. Though they didn’t appear in every war-time Bell Features comic book, they did appear…

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