Radio station says no to comic book store radio ad

It’s hard to tell what the issue here is. Is it some form of censorship, is it sound business practices or just plain ignorance.

Hamilton Ontario’s Big B Comics has been running some radio ads on a local radio station. Y108 plays a classic rock format, it’s a very popular station and the store has been getting good results with their ads.

Enter the artist Eklipz; a good friend of the shop’s and a very talented man. The artist wrote a little number for the shop which Big B planned to start running in January 3rd. To everyone’s surprise and disappointment Y108 chose not to run the ad. The musical style of the ad does not fit the Y108 listener’s tastes is a rough translation of the stations position on the ad.

Say what? I’ve heard classical music used in radio ads but have never made the mistake and thought I was listening to a classical station. I can go on here but I’d like to share the ad with you.

Click below to hear the ad


Feedback on this would be greatly appreciated

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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