What a Classic

The Women’s Hockey World Championship gold medal game went yesterday between the arch rivals Canada and the USA, it was an instant Classic, Canada took it in OT which made me happy, it was a great, competitive and entertaining game which should make us all happy.

They say that when you write a bad segue you shouldn’t draw attention to it…

The game wasn’t the only Classic I was emersed in yesterday, I had a whole pile of Classic Comics to sift through, I had to start thinking eBay auction lots. I just picked up the complete run of Classic Comics, #1 to 169, all original first prints. I can’t tell you how many Classics I’ve sold over the decades, somehow most of the early ones were reprints, I’ve had some random originals but never more than maybe two at a time, having the whole run is kind of exhilarating to be honest. I’m devoting most of this post to these Classic comics, once they’re gone at least I’ll always have this post.

I’m assuming I’m going to break the whole thing up into lots and run them through the eBay auctions but the thought almost seems cruel. To honor the run I’ve picked Classic Comics #1 as the cover of the week. I won’t lie, I’ve never liked this cover, I’m featuring it in reverence to the complete original run sitting together in one place. I wonder if Classic #1 had some amazingly classic cover whether the collectability if the issue or indeed the whole run would be a bit different?

Over the years I’d dread listening to myself explaining to a person that brought me some Classic Comic issues at a con why I couldn’t give him anything for them, I’d go over the whole HRN spiel and how you could tell whether it was an early printing or a later one, or indeed an original. It had to do with the in house ads promoting the other issues available for readers to buy and enjoy. It was cool for me to register and enjoy this back cover ad promoting the upcoming second issue featuring Ivanhoe. Funny but my appreciation for ads these past couple of years on this post just reinforced and even amplified the wow factor of seeing this back cover ad.

I was geeking out looking through a few other issues and when I saw this elegantly simplistic splash page to Classic Comics #11, I knew it had to be our Splash of the week. I’ve only read three of the first twenty novels reformatted to comics by Classic Comics, Great Expectations, Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Don Quixote! The art credits go to Zansky, I’m wondering if there was a Bansky family in the village as well.

We might as well end on a classic. Bernie Wrightson’s classic cover to House of Secrets #92 dominated last night’s icecollectibles weekly eBay auction, it was a raw copy and it earned $1,236 USD. I thought it should have pushed up a bit higher, I thought the buyer did well with this pick up.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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