Trailblazers Done and RAID Gallery Show On

Just a quick note to announce that I just picked up the 300-copy print run of my comic book tribute to Canadian wartime comic book artists called Trailblazers. This floppy comic has turned out to be a 56-pager containing 26 pieces of tribute art by 25 contemporary Canadian comic book artists and one honorary Canadian artist.

Here is a final chart of the artists given tribute and the contemporary contributors:

Aram AlexanianJoe Ollman
Leo BachleVince Marchesano, Robert Pincombe
Dan BaldasseRob Thibodeau
June BanfieldRebecca Ann Rosen
Harry BruntDavid Collier
Bert BushellMartin Szmanskyi, James Waley
Al CooperArt Cooper
Howard Cowan a.k.a. Clayton DexterRichard Pace
Adrian DingleHo Che Anderson
Manny EassonJohn MacLeod
Shirley FortuneEmmanuelle Princesse Chateauneuf
Ed FurnessTim Hammell
Edmond GoodSam Agro
John HilkertRonn Sutton
Murray KarnSteve Leblanc
Fred KellyMichael T. Gilbert
Gerald LazareDave Sim
Ross Mendes and Gerry LazareRon Kasman
Vernon MillerSandy Carruthers
Ab NormalJohn Farr
George Menendez RaeEric Kim, James Waley
Ross SaakelDave Ross
Doris Slater-TitusPatricia Titus
John StablesKen Steacy
Tedd SteeleRamòn Pèrez
Jack TremblayRick Trembles
Ramon Perez’s tribute piece to Tedd Steele

After a quick scan through, I see a major and unforgivable gaffe immediately. Sandy Carruthers name has been mistakenly cropped to Sandy Cruthers—a huge apology to you Sandy and probably only the first of many blemishes that will float to the surface eventually.

Of the 300 printed copies, 26 are earmarked to the contributors, about 20 copies are off to family and friends, 20 copies to be given away at the gallery opening, a dozen copies will be set aside for artists signing, and two are for legal deposit with the Library and Archives of Canada. This leaves about 220 available for purchase, which can be done directly from me by contacting me by email ([email protected]) or through a DM on Facebook. The retail price on the cover is $20 and that is what it will be sold at, if and when we can get it into some local comic shops. Buying directly from me, I will sell copies at $15 and will pay for postage so that the total cost will be $15.

This comic also serves as a catalogue for the gallery show of the original art at the RAID Studio Gallery at 1720 Queen Street West in Toronto just east of Roncesvalles. The show will be installed on December 15, 2021, and run till February 2, 2022. The RAID Studio Gallery is open from 10 am – 5 pm Monday to Saturday. There will be an actual opening event on Saturday, December 18 from 7 pm. It is important to note that this is intended as an RSVP-only event in order to assist in any possible need for contact tracing and because the capacity of the venue is limited to 60. If you are interested in attending the opening, please RSVP to [email protected] with your name and contact information and the names and contact information of any guests who will accompany you. Proof of vaccination and picture ID will be required at the door.

Poster for the Trailblazers Gallery Show at RAID

We’ve put together 20 small swag bags (including a free copy of Trailblazers) for the first 20 entrants and I’ll be asking contributors who attend if they can sign a dozen copies that I will set aside for future auctions.

I hope a good number of you can make it to the opening on Saturday and I’d love to meet you and chat about the project and old Canadian comics with you.

Ho Che Anderson framed as it will be at the show
Ivan Kocmarek
Ivan Kocmarek

Grew up in Hamilton's North End. Comic collector for over 50 yrs. Recent interest in Canadian WECA era comics.

Articles: 178


  1. Sounds like a great event Ivan, who was there? Any videos of the event?

    So close yet so far away. I wish I could have attended but I couldn’t fit it into my working days this week. If only it opened a few weeks earlier when I was off three weeks in a row.
    I’ll buy a few copies next time I see you. Can’t wait to get to read it.

  2. Great publication and show though I wasn’t able to see it in person. Ditto on the video request please. And you will be getting a request for a couple of more copies of Trailblazers please for my family. Cheers, terrific work!

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