BEST IN SHOW: DeLorean Transformer

All photos courtesy of Stanley Jon.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
BEST IN SHOW: DeLorean Transformer. All photos courtesy of Stanley Jon.
BEST IN SHOW: DeLorean Transformer
All photos courtesy of Stanley Jon.
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I had a chance to visit Hammercon and was really surprised at the number of cosplayers for a one day show. It had a real family feel to it and I sure their will be a second one.
Stan, glad you got a picture of Electra on here. This young lady looked more like Electra (comic form) than Jennifer Garner.
If you like the Con circuit, Hammer Town did not disappoint. It had the same vendors, the same merchandise at the same prices and the same activities as every other Con but on a smaller scale. Overall, I would say it was pretty successful first show.
However, what I didn’t like was how they gave the “impression” that it was cheaper to pre-order tickets online… $20 as opposed to $25. In reality, they charged a $2 handling fee + taxes which all added up to…. wait for it… $25!
From a business stand point, I can understand that it helps to have a head count. But from a marketing point of view, it was a bone-head manoeuvre. In an era where so many companies are spending hordes of cash in order to build up their brand image as being TRUSTWORTHY, here we have a group of dim wits who start off the first show by lying to their audience.
Am I making too big a deal out of it… it’s only $5 bucks? I don’t think so. When businesses resort to cheap tactics to deliberately mislead they need to know that:
1. We are not stupid.
2. We don’t like being mislead.
How much money is trust worth?
They certainly boobed up the tickets, but they were still cheaper to get in advance than at the door. From what I’ve been told the tickets were $25 + $2+tax at the door. So still a savings.
That said, anything more than $20 for a one day con seems a bit steep
Don’t know what a good price point would be for such an event. The only comparable I can think of is an one day pass for the Toronto Comicon event held in the spring….and I do not remember what the price was.
I don’t want to get anyone in trouble but I believe Charlie is correct. It was $25 at the door.
Just checked the HTCC website and looks like there will be a 2nd show and it’s a two day event. I am not entirely convinced this is a two day event just yet but I hope it works out. They really need to get larger panel rooms for next year.