Comic World Mourns Joe Kubert

Legendary comic book artist Joe Kubert passed away Sunday August 12th. He was born September 18th 1926 and died just over a month shy of his 86th birthday.

Kubert’s body of work spanned 70 years and he remained active creating and drawing right up until briefly before his death.

In 1976 at the age of 50 Joe Kubert established the Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art in Dover New Jersey. The school was the first of its kind and is still successfully teaching the art of comics today.

Comic book collectors owe Joe Kubert much. There are simply too many great collectible comics to count that contain Joe Kubert art. In honor of Mr. Kubert I thought I’d compile a short list of 10 must have’s for Kubert fans and comic book fans in general.

  • Catman Comics #8 (March 1942, Holyoke Publishing), the 6 page story “Black-Out” contains Kubert’s 1st published comic book work (listed as Vol. 2 #13 in the Overstreet Price Guide)

  • Our Army at War #83 (June 1959, DC Comics), my vote as Kubert’s most important work, the 11 page “The Rock and the Wall” represents the 1st true appearance of Sgt. Rock. Sgt. Rock is Kubert’s defining character, this issue was featured in one of my earliest Undervalued Spotlights

  • Brave and the Bold #34 (March 1961, DC Comics), a Kubert classic that introduces the Silver Age Hawkman, told through issues #35 and 36 as well

  • Our Army at War #88 (November 1959, DC Comics), this Kubert cover is a must have featuring the 1st Sgt Rock cover

  • Tarzan #207 (April 1972, DC Comics), DC takes over the Tarzan reigns and Kubert launches into a classic 3 year run

  • One Million Years Ago (September 1953, St. John Publishing) this must have gem features the first appearance of Joe Kubert’s Tor, Kubert and Tor are synonymous with each other

  • Brave and the Bold #42-44 (from July 1962, DC Comics), this second Kubert Hawkman run is highly sought after by Silver Age collectors, the books are hard to get in high grade

  • Ragman #1 (September 1976, DC Comics), features a great Kubert cover and can be still found on the cheap

  • Our Army at War #151 (February 1965, DC Comics), Kubert’s contributions are truly impressive, here he helps introduce Enemy Ace, a definite must have

  • Showcase #4 (October 1956, DC Comics), this is said to be the book that launched the silver age, the book that signaled the return of the super heroes, the cover and the 12 page Flash story were penciled by Carmine Infantino and beautifully inked by Joe Kubert

There are so many other comics I would have liked to add to the list. I’d love to hear some of your Joe Kubert favorites.

Rest in Peace Mr. Kubert

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1848


  1. Mr. Kubert was arguably one of the most important artists of the Golden, silver and bronze age of comics. My sympathies and regards for his family and friends. Thanks for honoring Mr. Kubert Walter.

  2. Man, that guy could draw. I always chose my comics by artist. And he was a favourite. If you were a kid of a certain age he delivered the USA version of WW 11 very well.
    As my father used to say, “where were they in 39?”

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