Comic Sales Data for 2011

So the 2011 yearly totals are in and I thought I’d pass along some data.

Marvel was both the unit share winner for the year and the dollar value winner. I’ve included the top 10 publishers below. Publisher Fantagraphics finished 14th with a 0.53% dollar share and a 0.11% unit share (they sell graphic novels mostly so they have a higher price point average). I would have hated to see this graph had DC not rolled out their successful New 52 in September. DC is neck and neck with Marvel so far out of the gate in 2012. Let’s hope DC can keep it close this year.

 It’s funny Marvel dominating the totals figures because DC wiped the floor with Marvel when we look at the 10 selling comics of 2011.

 Here’s a telling graph I quickly whipped up showing just how dominant Marvel and DC are in the marketplace. Have a look at where the top 500 selling comics (by dollar value) come from. Dark Horse only manages to place 2 in the top 500 and both were Buffy issues. IDW only had 2 in the top 500 as well, their Godzilla Store Incentive cover #1 came in at #102 while their 3rd printing of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 came in at #417. Even more puzzling is the fact that Image, the 3rd larges comic book publisher only placed 1 comic in the top 500 and that was Spawn #200. All we have to do is look at the graphic novel graphs just below this one to understand where Image is making their money.

 Check out the Graphic Novel numbers. Notice how things change when you rank by unit value vs. dollar value. The constant being that Image dominates both graphs. Walking Dead my friends, Walking Dead!



Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1845


  1. I wonder what the absolute numbers are for the total sales though – just to get an idea of how profitable and healthy the market still is.

  2. The surprise here for me here is Dark Horse. For some reason I thought they would have fared better.

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