And We’re Off…

Putting together a themed auction can be a daunting task, especially when there’s a flood of late consignments. We’re proud of our Canadiana auction, we want it to do well, so we tried hard to get everyone’s items in. I forgot the lot count, somewhere in the 230s and they’re now all up and available on auction for you to peruse at your leisure. Our closer for the auction is the stunning Manhunt #12 you see below, this is one tough book and it is the single highest graded copy!

Canadiana auctions don’t mean we get to relax and forget about our weekly 10 day auctions, we have another one scheduled to go live this Thursday evening and yesterday I spent time digging out stuff to go up on the auction scheduled for the Thursday after that. I found a run of Avengers Annuals and had fun flipping through Annual #2 drawn by the mighty John Buscema. I looked at the 1st splash page and didn’t really think it had the punch I was looking for in this post, luckily I kept leafing through and came upon the splash page for part 2 of the story, I really like this splash and it kind of sets up the very famous cover to Avengers Annual #2.

Our Cover of the week goes to Out of the Night #11 with its Electric Spirit cover. Electricity covers have always been fascinating for fans, electric chair crime covers, electrocution covers and electric based characters like Electro, I think it has something to do with the fact that so few of us understand it and most of us are afraid of it.

Does anyone know anyone who signed up for one of these Charter Memberships? Did the comics come with the cover creased like some mail away books came? This ad was from Mister Miracle #5 from 1971, sounds too good to be true…

The latest rendition of our icecollectibles eBay auction closed last night, I watched with interest to see how the CGC 9.0 Captain America #100 would do. Cap #100 at CGC 9.0 has been holding steady for about a year, averaging $1,020 over the last 18 sales, but the sale, just two days before ours, jumped up to $1,350 so I wanted to see if we could follow up with a good result, our book closed out at $1,100, above the 12 month average but below last sale. I think it was a “first to market” situation, had ours ended first we may have improved the result a bit I’m sure, nonetheless, its good to see consistent results above the 12 month average.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852

One comment

  1. Manhunt #12 is one of the most intriguing books and touted to be the rarest book of its era with some of the greatest artists of that time all in that one book.
    As a collector of Canadian books I hope to have a chance to have own one one day and see it in its entirety.

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