I think being a nerd is being able to express and be exactly who you are. If you are a nerd like myself, especially if you are a proud one, you like everyone to know your nerdy prowess. This is where the “nerd uniform” comes in. The “nerd uniform” usually consists of running shoes, jeans (shorts for girls) and a t-shirt with a nerd print on it. You know it, we all have them, I have quite a stack in my drawer.
As nerd culture becomes more popular, the ways to express your “geek” through clothing are expanding, especially for women. No longer are we restricted by the typical geek girl look. There are tights, shirts and dresses that are geeky, while still looking cool. I personally own a couple dresses and tights myself.
One of the first and more popular sites to offer this type of clothing was Black Milk . They are an Australian based company that originally caught my attention with a pair of beautiful Star Wars themed tights (picture below). A Toronto based company that I like, (and have mentioned in a previous post) is Suckers Apparel I recently hired them to make me a Wolverine themed bathing suit and the top to my cosplay costume for Fan Expo. They also do some amazing dresses and tights.

Nowadays the alternative nerd uniform business is booming. Almost every con I go to there are dresses and tights hanging from booths that used to only sell t-shirts. Nerd girls are confidently walking around looking stylish and cute, but still proving that they are there for the con and are not someone’s un-nerdy girlfriend.
Don’t worry guys, I haven’t forgotten about you either. There is new nerd apparel for men as well.
These amazing style sweaters for example:

Now back to the ladies, if you do have a large pile of nerd t-shirts that you’ve accumulated over the years, or from cons (that is where I get most of my oversized t-shirts). You can cut them and tailor them to fit better or look more interesting than a regular ol’ shirt. The best place to learn how to do this is YouTube tutorials, some of them you don’t even have to sew!
I think being a nerd is being able to express and be exactly who you are without the need for a uniform (unless that is how you like to dress of course). You can express yourself, be you, be fashionable and be nerd all together. Wear what makes you comfortable.
If you have any suggestions for other nerd clothing sites, please list them with a link below in the comments!
I’m loving the look of ‘costume’ tanks and shirts that are better fitted for women’s shapes. I’ve seen some great ones at welovefine.com and superherostuff.com like this Phoenix tank: http://www.welovefine.com/4964-phoenix-allover-tank-tunic.html
We love Fine is where I got my R2D2 dress (the one in the featured image) it is nice because it’s cotton so it’s comfy!
… I want that Captain America hoodie!