Why am I not reading Spider-Man?

A couple of weeks ago, Spider-Man celebrated his 50th anniversary with the release of Amazing Spider-Man #692.  I didn’t pay much attention to that comic because it had been years since I bought my last Spider-Man book.

At the most recent Fan Expo, I wanted to cover the Spider-Man panel, because I am not a regular reader and hopefully I would observe and report on the panel as someone who “wasn’t in the know” or give a different perspective on the panel.  The panel, which included writer Dan Slott and editor Steve Wacker, talked about their plans for Spider-Man and a little bit about the future of the character.  Half way through the panel it hit me, why am I not reading Spider-Man?

Dan Slott has a lot of passion for Spider-Man.  It pours out of him when he speaks about the character and the book.  You can tell he has some great ideas for the character and he wants Spider-Man to be Marvel’s flagship title.

Steve Wacker is the editor of Spider-Man, but he is also the editor on Daredevil, Captain Marvel Hawkeye and Punisher.  I am a regular reader of Daredevil.  I am going to start picking up the Punisher trades very soon and I have heard great things about Captain Marvel and Hawkeye.  With the quality of books coming from Steve Wacker’s office, I really can’t go wrong with reading Spider-Man as well.

I used to be a huge Spider-Man fan.  It was the book I spent most of my money on when I was in high school.  My comics purchases dropped when I was in college.  I would buy the odd comic book, but Spider-Man wasn’t a title I would pick up.  I still loved the character, but I didn’t buy any Spidey books.  I received issue #400 as a gift and that was one of the last Spidey comics I had.  Issue #400 was an important book: that was the issue where Aunt May died.  It was a tough issue to pick up because I didn’t know about the clone saga and Ben Reilly.  Afterwards I bought 2 issues of Amazing Spider-Man, but then I didn’t buy any for a long time afterwards.

I got back into Spider-Man in the early 2000s with Ultimate Spider-Man.  I picked up the first 7 trade paperbacks of the series and thought it was awesome.  Then I picked up the Amazing Spider-Man trade Coming Home.  After reading that, I put it away and never bought another Spider-Man comic again.  The story was too ridiculous.

I ended up selling all of my Ultimate Spider-Man trade paperbacks, and that Coming Home “masterpiece” and decided I wouldn’t buy Spider-Man anymore.  It was easy to avoid web-head on the comic shelves.  Then Spidey joined FF.

FF is a title that I picked up from day one.  I had issues with the story last year, but after I read the complete story arc, I could understand what Jonathan Hickman was doing with the series.  Reading Spider-Man again was refreshing.  The character has changed, but Peter Parker/Spidey has reverted back to the fun parts of the character when I first started reading him.  Yes a lot has happened in the 292 issues I have been away Spider-Man, but I have confidence in Dan Slott that he will craft an intriguing story that will keep me hooked.


My favourite ASM cover and my favourite Spidey story.


I borrowed issue Amazing Spider-Man #692 from a friend so I could check it out (my local shop was sold out and hopefully they can find me a copy).  I hate the character Alpha, but we’re not supposed to like him.  The writing of that issue was great.  It may be one of my favourite Spider-Man comics (Amazing Spider-Man #347 is the best in my opinion).

So with the great writing, good artwork and great editorial/creative direction, Amazing Spider-Man is now officially back on my comics pull list.  It’s been a long time away, but I can’t think of any reasons not to buy Spider-Man anymore.

How about you?  Are you reading Spider-Man?

Ed Campbell
Ed Campbell

Ed Campbell is a collector of comics and action figures, primarily G.I. Joe. He is also a Cosplayer with Thor and Captain America as just a few of the characters in his arsenal. When not fulfilling his Comic Book Daily duties, he's "working for a living", volunteering his time for his local Fall Fair, and spending as much time with his family as possible. Use the links below to get in contact with him.

Articles: 256


  1. Ah, Erik Larsen is one of my favourite Spidey artists, that is a great cover. Been reading Amazing since before Mcfarlane came on the book. I would say the current team is perfect, ever since New Ways to Die, the book has only gotten better!

  2. Erik Larsen is #1 in my book for Spider-Man artists. Gil Kane is definately #2. There have been so many great artists who have drawn the character but to me, those two artists capture the Spider-Man universe perfectly.

  3. Spider-Man has been running 50 years Pete; it’s at the point where many generations have come to adopt the character as their own, along with the creators who worked on the book at that time.

  4. I don’t like Erik Larsen’s Spider-Man art, he tried to be too similar to McFarlane. Personally, I think Romita Sr is the definitive Spider-Man artist followed by McFarlane.

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