very week CBD’s Editor in Chief Pete DeCourcy asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers, we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans_Daily for the inspiration.
This Week’s Q: What news are you hoping to hear out of C2E2 this weekend?
Anthony Falcone (Writer of Whosoever Holds This Hammer)
I am hoping for an Avengers movie teaser trailer so my inner fanboy can have a total nerdgasm.
Chris Owen (Professor of Comic Books History at Hamilton’s Mohawk College and host of The Comic Culture Radio Show.)
It would be awesome to see if Marvel would announce their own MMORPG*.
*Editor’s Note: MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game – Pernicious Pete!
Greg Hyland (Writer/illustrator of the cult classic Lethargic Lad as well as Lego Star Wars)
I’d like it if they finally announced that the comics industry has officially collapsed. Or some news about the Avengers movie. Y’know, whatever.
Ed Campbell (Blogger – Trust Me I Know What I’m Doing)
I would like to hear some news about Superman: Man of Steel?
Another trailer for Batman: Arkham City
Chris Howard (From Egesta Comics, one of the masterminds behind the fan favourite webcomic series Dressed For Success)

An alternate to Greg’s, and where I’m sure things will end up: Warner and Disney merger, new company formed: Marvelous Direct Comics. 20 new titles staring Batpool.
Honestly, I’d love to hear a great little guy makes good story. Or the return of Big Numbers.
David Diep (News Editor, Part time Comic Shoppe Employee, All Time Sexual Dynamo)
While I would love to see some new trailers for Captain America, Thor and a few teasers for Avengers I am really hoping they have some news on the Miracleman debacle. It’s been months and so far all we’ve gotten is the boring ass original Mick Anglo stuff that most people have zero interest in. Where’s the Moore and Gaiman runs? No one was thinking about anything except those runs when Marvel announced they had the rights.
Andrew Ardizzi (Roving reporter for CBD and student of journalism at Humber. He writes for the Humber Et Cetera. You can find him at his blog Come Gather ’round People Wherever You Roam.)
Definitely a new movie trailer for Green Lantern. Something that doesn’t leave a weird taste in your mouth at the end would be great too. That would be nice…
Pete DeCourcy (Asker of 52 Questions!)
It’s been a weird time for Daredevil fans. This was the first time in a very long time that Daredevil was the center of a pretty huge crossover. It was a bit of a disappointment for me – especially since I had pretty high hopes for the creative team. While De La Torres was a sublime choice, Diggle’s scripts just weren’t up to par. (Diggle’s a hell of a writer and I feel like editorial has more to do with Shadowland being a failure than Diggle did.)
With news that we’re going to find out the new creative team on Daredevil this weekend at C2E2 I can’t help but hope for a team that’s going to get the title back on track. If Jason Aaron and David Aja are announced as the creative team I’ll be very happy.
So fingers crossed for Jason Aaron. He’s really the only writer I want on that title right now.
Kevin Boyd (Director of the illustrious Joe Shuster Awards Committee)
I’m looking forward to finding out what Diamond has planned for retailers re: digital distribution. I would like to know how comic book retailers can be included as a partner in the digital distribution process. Other than that, I’ll be happy to hear how people are doing on a personal level, and seeing what new comics and art I can find for myself there as I’m going. I’m also excited to learn what the publishers have in store for us this summer.
Rumour for the Punisher is the team of Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto.
Rumoured for Daredevil: Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera. I’d buy that!
Waid is hit or miss for me. I either love his stuff or can’t stand it.
…I don’t know about Waid.
I’ve never been blown away by anything he’s written.
I’d prefer Greg Rucka and Rivera…. but.. can’t win ’em all. i’ll check it out either way.
I’m not sold on Rivera. I didn’t like his work in OMIT. Waid on the other hand I’m less apprehensive about, but his comment that we’re going to see “superhero swashbuckling” has me worried.