Today’s column orbits Bell Features artist Fred Kelly whose best-known creation was probably Mr. Monster. It does so because, last month, I came into possession of 21 pages of original Bell Features art and this was due originally to the butterfly effect of Fred Kelly’s foresight and love of the genre—and I want to put this into perspective.
The set of 21 pages of Bell Features art I now have is less than 1% of that held by the Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) in Ottawa. LAC has about 2300 pages that were originally rescued, along with about 300 Bell Features comic books, from publisher John Ezrin’s warehouse by Patrick Loubert and Michael Hirsh back in 1971. Loubert and Hirsh put together and published a book called The Great Canadian Comic Books based on their acquisitions and subsequently sold the acquisition to the national archives in that same year. Loubert and Hirsh also purchased the copyright to that Bell Features artwork and the comic books from Cy Bell and made a deal with the archives so that the archives would hold half this copyright and half would be retained by Loubert and Hirsh and controlled by the animation company, Nelvana Studio, that they were able to found from the monies they received in the sale. Nelvana Studio was subsequently acquired by Corus Entertainment at the start of the current century, and now, if you want to use images or other content from this Bell Features collection, you must apply for permission from both LAC and Corus. This is what I had to do for much of the original art content of my book, Heroes of the Home Front, and both LAC and Corus were very amenable and no costs were incurred once they understood the nature of my project.

Original Canadian war-time comic book pages are exceedingly rare outside the LAC holdings. The artists just turned finished pages over to the Art Directors of each comic book publishing company and they never got or asked for them back. The companies themselves hardly ever saw any reason to save those pages. When some were saved, as in the case of Bell Features, they were never looked upon as something that should be preserved. They were stacked and strewn on the floors of warehouses. Many of those pages up at the Archives still have shoe prints on them. I know of less than 30 original Bell Features pages, including the 21 I just acquired, outside the LAC holdings in private collections. I haven’t yet seen, or been made aware of, a single published original art page from any of the other WECA companies (other than, what appears to be, an eight-page unpublished Ed Letkeman ‘Zor the Mighty’ story) currently held in Jim Finlay’s collection.
But, getting back to Mr. Kelly…. For some reason, Fred chose to make a deal with Cy Bell for 25 original pages from the company he worked for. He only worked for Bell for the last year-and-a-half of its existence (from about the end of the war in Europe on), but something made him pull these pages out of the warehouse pile and hold onto them for almost 60 years.
Then in 2004, writer, Canadian comic book aficionado, and foremost Leo Bachle authority, Robert Pincombe, donned his private eye fedora and sought Fred Kelly out in Owen Sound. He found Fred, who was now 82, frail and in a wheelchair, but full of a cheeky spark that must have animated his whole life. Robert persuaded Fred and his wife to come down to Toronto and for him to appear on a Toronto Comic-Con panel, held that year on the third weekend in June at the Queen Elizabeth building at Exhibition Place. Robert also asked Kelly’s one-time studio-mate, Gerry Lazare, to be part of that panel and arranged for a reunion dinner before the event at a local restaurant. Gerry himself has told me that he was very touched by this emotional reunion and that Fred immediately started up with his asides and ribbing as if the two were still at that studio space they had shared over the Capitol Theatre at Yonge and Eglinton six decades before. Fred and Gerry parted with Fred inviting Gerry up for a day of fishing on Georgian Bay, but Fred died about a year later and, to Gerry’s great regret, this never happened. Fred was inducted into the Joe Shuster Hall of Fame in 2016 joining Gerry who had already been inducted in 2007.
At that same con appearance, Fred Kelly met Michael T. Gilbert who revived Fred’s Mister Monster character back in the ’80s and approved of what Michael was doing with his character and gave him an original page of his artwork.
While connecting with Fred, Rob Pincombe found out that Fred had 25 original Bell Features art pages along with some unpublished original dailies he had done after his work with the company had finished. Fred was in need of funds for medical bills and other things and wanted to sell the pages. Robert was able to arrange the sale of the Bell pages to Stephen Lipson, who eventually sold 23 of the pages to collector Chris Preachuk in Winnipeg with Stephen keeping the lone Dingle Nelvana splash page from Triumph Comics 29.
Chris Preachuk provided hi-def photos of the Bell pages he had for me to use in Heroes of the Home Front and I duly credited him, so Chris and I had been in communication about these pages a couple of years ago.
About six weeks ago, Chris Preachuk purchased half-a-dozen wartime Canadian pulps from listings I had on eBay and we connected again through eBay messages. I asked him if he would consider selling those original Bell pages he had and he was elusive but asked what other Canadian stuff I had for sale.
I said that I was ready to sell some of my Marvel keys and sent him pictures of my Journey into Mystery 83 (4.5), Spidey 1 (5.0) and AF 15 (4.0) along with a few others. Chris said that he might be interested if we could work out a deal for the AF 15 and, after a brief back-and-forth we agreed on the AF 15 for twenty of the pages. Chris told me that he was also interested in Golden Age Canadian versions of Marvel books and we quickly made a deal of two of my reprint-era Caps for another page. Chris shipped the 21 pages to me, and I shipped the slabbed books to him and each of us was very happy with the results. Chris still holds onto a Fred Kelly original cover for Dime 27 and a Dingle Penguin splash from Wow Comics 27.
These Bell Features pages I now have are splashes from the last year of Bell’s original material production and comprise the following:
Feature | Artist | From |
Ace Bradley | H. Thomson | Commando Comics 17 |
Betty Burd | Fred Kelly | Dime Comics 25 |
Captain Red Thortan | Fred Kelly | Wow Comics 28 |
Cinder Smith | Fred Kelly | Active Comics 25 |
Cinder Smith | Fred Kelly | Active Comics 22 |
Clip Curtis | Fred Kelly | Wow Comics 27 |
Doodlebugs | Ed Alton | Joke Comics 24 |
Invisible Commando | Charles Zusi (CAZ) | Commando Comics 16 |
Major Domo and Jo-jo | Arom Yanovsky | Joke Comics 23 |
Nels Grant | Adrian Dingle | Triumph Comics 26 |
Nels Grant | Adrian Dingle | Triumph Comics 28 |
Penny’s Diary | Doris Slater | Active Comics 23 |
Rex Baxter | Clayton Dexter | Dime Comics 25 |
Speed Savage | Tedd Steele | Triumph Comics 28 |
Spike and Mike | Ross Saakel | Spike and Mike Compendium nn |
Steve Storms | Fred Kelly | Joke Comics 22 |
Steve Storms | Fred Kelly | Joke Comics 23 |
Tang | Rene Kulbach | Tang Compendium nn |
The Brain | Andre Kulbach | Active Comics 23 |
The Dreamer | Gerry Lazare | Wow Comics 27 |
Wings over the Atlantic | Andre Kulbach | Commando Comics |
In light of the fact that I will be entering my eighth decade in the spring and all my research into and championing of Canadian war-time comics, I think that the trade of my AF 15 and a couple of Canadian golden age Caps for these 21 Bell Features original splashes is the best comic deal I’ve ever made—and I know that Chris is happy on his end. The next question is, ‘Should these go to an archive (McMaster University, my old alma mater, is keenly building its Canadian graphic narrative collection, especially concentrating on war-time material) or should they go into an auction so that other collectors can have the pleasure of making them part of their collections? Anyway, right now I just want to enjoy having them for a bit and experiencing that direct connection to the talented hands that created them whenever I look at them. One thing I would like to do, once this pandemic occupation allows it, is to display them, along with some of the original comics themselves, in a small gallery so that a wider audience who might have an interest in them could also appreciate them.
Wait! The Kelly connection in the column isn’t over yet….
I recently managed to get a short interview with Ramón Pérez of RAID Studios (located on Queen St. West in Toronto, just a couple of doors east of Roncesvalles) about the impending release of Rachel Richey’s Fred Kelly Mr. Monster book, which RAID Studios has recently finished up with input by Robert Pincombe.
Let me share the interview here:
IK: I’d like to begin by asking a bit about your background. Where were you born, and where did you grow up?
RP: I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, by immigrant parents. My father is from a small town located in the Castilla y León region of Spain, while my mother is from Warsaw, Poland. They met in Oshawa of the late ’60s, an independent suburb of Toronto, where I was born and raised. I spent a few summers in Spain and Poland growing up. After my parents separated in the early ’80s, those trips became increasingly few and far between. Fast forward years later, after graduating from college in the late ’90s, I moved to Toronto to accelerate my burgeoning career as a freelance illustrator. I have now been here for over 20 years and call it home.
IK: What is your earliest comic book memory?
RP: My first comic, so worn from constant reading, was a collection of Mortadelo y Filemón, a Spanish humour comic featuring two detectives. Mortadelo was a shape-changing fellow who could shift into anything from a sausage to an airplane. Filemón was his pudgier sidekick. Following that, I quickly became enamoured with the Sunday funnies – Hagar the Horrible, Garfield, Mother Goose & Grimm, and eventually Calvin & Hobbes. It wasn’t until later that I began to collect the more “traditional” North American comics. My initial favourites were Elfquest, TMNT, Alien Legion, along with a variety of Marvel titles, including The Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers, and Alpha Flight.
IK: How did The RAID Studio come about, and what was the purpose of putting it together?
RP: The Royal Academy of Illustration & Design was founded by Chip Zdarsky and a few college classmates after graduating from Sheridan College, my Alma Mater. They simply wanted a shared studio space in which to work together. After operating for a few years, I was asked to join and replace Kagan McLeod, who was leaving. I had already been working as a freelancer in Toronto for eight years – predominantly in magazines, children’s books, and RPGs. When they asked me, I jumped at the chance to join the space and work amongst my peers. It was also a great way to more aggressively pursue my comics career by throwing myself right into the mix of some of Toronto’s best creators.
I took over running the space in 2009 after the last original members had left. New members had joined, expanding from four to seven people, and we slowly began to outgrow our original space. Feeling cramped, we decided to move into a larger space in the building on College St. in Little Italy and expanded to 10 members. In our larger studio, we ballooned to 16 creators. While comfortable, we were unfortunately forced to move when our building was purchased in 2017 and our lease terminated by the new owners. We had to move – thankfully, we found a great space!
Our new headquarters is located in Toronto’s historic Parkdale. It’s a lot bigger and was in need of extensive renovations – but most importantly, it had a street-front presence. We established a comic art gallery to integrate with the community while still maintaining studio spaces for artists at a relatively affordable rate. After much ado, we just opened the RAID Gallery to the public this past summer amid a global pandemic.
IK: How did Rachel Richey’s Mr. Monster Kickstarter book come to be a RAID project? I know it had been with Chapterhouse for a while. How did it land with RAID?
RP: I met Rachel while she worked at Kevin Boyd’s Comic Lounge, located on College street many years ago. During that time, she became a close friend of RAID. She eventually ended up marrying long-time RAID member Francis Manapul! While chatting comics, she realized that I was a big fan of Mr. Monster – and when she initiated her Kickstarter campaign for The Original Adventures of Doc Stearne/Mr. Monster, she asked me to write the foreword for the book.
As RAID grew over the years, we began to explore publishing content, starting with our anthologies, but looking to expand into a wider variety of comics-related books. Being a friend of Rachel (and a fan wanting to see the project fulfilled), I approached her with the proposition of taking over the project and seeing it to completion. She was quite excited to have RAID and myself involved.
IK: The book was just about a finished product a while ago when it came to Chapterhouse. What is RAID bringing to the project, and where is RAID going with it?
RP: Aside from creating a solicitation and a horrible cover, I’m really unsure what Chapterhouse did with the project. When we (RAID) came on board, we were given all the raw files by Rachel. We essentially began from ground zero cleaning art, compiling the content, and designing the book.
On top of what Rachel provided, we have sourced other related Fred Kelly originals to scan and utilize in the book adding to the books overall all content. We’re really proud of how this project has come together – and weirdly, all the preceding project delays have allowed us to produce a more well-rounded book. I know that as a fan of Fred Kelly and Mr. Monster I’m excited about the book we’ve produced.
IK: What’s your impression of Fred Kelly’s artwork? Do you think it would stand up in today’s market?
RP: Having held some of his post-Mr. Monster originals in my hands (thanks to the generous Robert Pincombe), I can say firsthand that Fred was a master draftsman and illustrator. I believe he was learning “on the fly” as he was working during the early days – and don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful and imaginative. But Fred’s skill with a brush and dynamic lighting is impeccable in his later works. I genuinely think he would have evolved and stayed relevant in today’s market.
IK: What timelines are you operating on? How has this spring’s lockdown impacted the project? Do you think we will see the book on the stands this year?
RP: The quarantine and lockdown definitely threw a wrench into our plans. The book is essentially ready to go to press. We are just awaiting some copyright clarification and working with our printer to establish a print and delivery schedule. We hope to have the book printed later this fall, and hopefully in everyone’s hands before the year is out.
IK: Is RAID thinking of going with similar projects in the future?
RP: We are excited about the possibilities of things to come. Our mission is to produce Canadian creator-centric content and become a reliable part of our national comic ecosystem. Since the “Canadian Whites” we’ve had a few independent Canadian Publishers; Vortex and Drawn & Quarterly come to mind as long-lasting and respected publishers. While others have come and gone, D&Q still continues to produce quality material. However, their books tend to lean more into the “indie” side content-wise. Simultaneously, other publishers, such as Chapterhouse, rely more heavily on mainstream style superhero content. We hope to fill that gap between – giving a venue for creators that fit into neither camp to share their ideas.
IK: What other kinds of projects is RAID working on?
RP: We have a few things in the works. Some of which were planned for this year, but as with most of the world, Covid-19 changed all that. We have pushed all our plans to 2021 and beyond and will proudly share announcements as soon as we can!
IK: 2021 is the 80th anniversary of the first Canadian comic book (Better Comics No. 1). Would RAID consider doing anything to commemorate this event?
RP: We most definitely have some ideas. We should talk…

I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to both Chris and Ivan. I also feel indebted to Robert Pincombe for his part in bringing these relics of Canadian pulp culture to light!!
I had enjoyed the honour of enjoying Bell Features splash pages for several years, as did Chris, and now the torch has been passed to somebody who will also cherish and appreciate them and that person is Ivan. I cannot think of a more suitable custodian than our learned colleague Ivan!
Thank you for your kind words, Stephen. Keep championing Canadian comics the way that you do.
Congrats on landing more original WECA art, Ivan! FWIW, I think your collection should go to your alma mater so it can be accessed by the greater public rather than disappearing into a collector’s vault… but I’m not a collector. 🙂 TBH, I didn’t know that much WECA original art still existed; you are a fount of knowledge, as always!
Thanks, Nicholas. I tend to agree with you about the destination of the original art pages, but it all depends on whether I will be in need of some funds in the coming years. Donating to an archive is something that should be done but that is a luxury if you don’t have a comfortable fiscal base to do that from.
Ivan is a plaaayeeer! Brilliant, brilliant article, Ivan, and much warm, fuzzy congratulations on your Canadian splash collection. Dandy bit of trading there, great art and both parties happy. Planning some kind home wall display? That gallery showing would also be brilliant.
In some of the LAC issues I’ve been reading there were contests which had prizes of original pages and if you had an Active Jim clubhouse you could be given pages to decorate your clubhouse/treehouse with just for the asking. I wonder how many pieces went out that way.
Does LAC have any plans for it’s 2300 pages of Bell art? Like maybe publication??
Thanks for the interview with Mr. Perez and the link to RAID with more Canadian comics, incl Mr. Monster and hopefully a “Better” something.
Those Canadian Golden Age companies did have the habit of giving away original pages as contest prizes so maybe there’s still hope for a couple more to turn up, but I haven’t heard of one person ever saying that they won one of these pages and still have it.
Right now the pages are in a beautiful folio in plastic sleeves and that seems to be the best way to appreciate them for me. Putting them up on the wall seems, to me, to turn them into trophies and I’m not a comic big game hunter.
LAC has no plans to publish any of their original pages themselves as far as I know. They just make them available to researchers and mete out the rights for publication to others.
Ivan has pulled the WECA sword from the stone. I see many more columns here for years to come, as a result.Congrats.
Jim, you are among the best collectors of these and comics from the reprint era. You are also one of the best sources of data about the commerce in these comics. Thanks for helping me when you do. I am indebted.
A portfolio is great but an openable, neutral frame of some kind to switch ’em out from time to time would be a nice way appreciate them as the art they are. But that’s just me, I must admit I’d have to rearrange things to make room, but it be worth it. : ) Cheers
What ever happened to that mysterious shadowy figure that rediscovered the Fred Kelly origins of Mr. Monster and sent the pages to Mr. Gilbert that got printed in the modern day comic #1 Mr. Monster at Dark Horse, nudge nudge wink-wink?
Is he off hunting a sasquatch?
Or maybe fishing for a sea-monster in Lake Simcoe?
(Or even fighting Red Lectroids from planet 10 with Buckaroo Banzai?)
Hmmm, I have a feeling he’s close by.
Was that you, jim_b? cough-cough wink-wink, tell us more please.
Ownership (or stewardship if you prefer) is a knobbly conundrum, innit? Would you, Ivan, be able to do with those pages as you please, say publishing prints, or are the character copyrights and trademarks tied up in the LAC/Corus holdings (in perpetuity) even if they weren’t part of the original Loubert/Hirsh sale to LAC?
Just curious about who owns what? (have you done a posting on this in the past?) Bell Features is covered, what about Double A or Better Comics, any heirs or estates that could make a claim to rights and trademarks even if not properly renewed? I ask because a member of the canadiangoldenagecomics group emailed me that question about my uploading my Freelance #33 to the DCM.
Ivan, lucky you got off with only a “looked askance at”. Generally research assistants aren’t ex-marines or Navy Seals… maybe…
Yep, it was me.
As to the rights to Anglo-American, well do you know where the owners, Sinnott News ended up?
The building they ended in (North-East of Toronto) was the old munitions plant (GECO) where the Canadian ‘bomb girls’ worked. I’m not going poking around in the tunnels under the building for records and maybe get blown to bits by a random un-exploded WW2 bomb.
More info about the GECO plant at various place including
Excellent as always. Would love to see a Mr. Monster book.
Awww, come on, jim_b take one for the team. Imagine the boxes of A-A vintage comics you’d find in those tunnels… We’d give you a posthumous plaque for going above and beyond for CGAC history.
Michael Gilbert’s planning to sign a bookplate for the book for us. Michael actually did a special Mr. Monster color bookplate for us some years back, since I am a big fan. I bet we still have copies in my files. I’ll dig up an image to post. Thanks for the update on the book, I have been wondering where the project was. Glad to see it being done with someone who knows good book design. I looked up Ramon Perez’s artwork and I am impressed, he’s very good. I didn’t know his work until this post. The book cover looks great!
I had to look up the value of an AF #15 in VG. Hey, $18K is all! Even with the Canadian Caps thrown in, I think you did great, Ivan. That’s a one-of-a-kind deal and of all people, you deserve it more than anyone for your unflagging work on behalf of the WECA books.
You need to figure out how to put the pages all in print, maybe as a part of the next project you put together. They’d be perfect in the RAID Mr. Monster book, but it’s probabaly far too late to sandwich them in. Maybe in a second edition edition. I agree with Perez, Kelly is one of the most deserving WECA creators to be reprinted, he’s very good.
There’s a thought – A book of “Pages” collecting all or as many as you collectors have them, be a neat book. Maybe not a massive tome, more along the lines of the early Bantam/Peacock(?) slender editions of Frazetta. Or could be a special edition fancy hardcover, would depend how many pages there are with owners willing to share.
Oooh, one of those Artist Editions, that’s the ticket!
Never heard of RAID Ivan is that some sort of sleazy club where you guys back East go to with the expectation of getting raided??
More – 30 pages of Al Cooper’s Kenneth Scotty MacDonald strip were to go out, autographed, as consolation prizes in a math puzzle contest in Dime #5. 30 first prize winners were to get a crisp new dollar bill. Shows the value held then of the original pages. Surprisingly also found out that some or maybe many of the Bell comics were only bound with a single staple.