By now, a lot more of us know that there were two eras to the Canadian Golden Age of comics. In the U.S., the measure of the Golden Age extends from Action 1 in 1938 to about Showcase 3 in 1956 with the Silver Age kicked off by the appearance of Showcase 4 and the return of superheroes other than Superman and Batman to local drugstores and newsstands. True, in the States, there were internal bracketed collecting genres such as “Good Girl Art (GGA)” books, pre-code graphic horror books, Atom-Age books, etc. But, generally, collectors know what “last golden age issue” means with reference to titles, such as World’s Finest Comics, that run through the transition between both periods.
With respect to Canadian comics, our “Golden Age” had two phases, both brought about by national economic stress and its resulting political response. Our comics began with the December 6, 1940, War Exchange Conservation Act set down by MacKenzie King’s parliament. It stopped products it deemed non-essential to the wartime Canadian economy (such as comic books and pulps) from crossing the border from the U.S. to Canada. A couple of months after this, the first Canadian comic books, Robin Hood Comics Vol. 1 No. 1 and Better Comics Vol. 1 No. 1, both dated March 1941 appeared. This led to a six-year run of original Canadian comics that eventually started to peter out after the end of the but lasted till the end of the Robin Hood title’s run with issue 34 dated December 1946-January 1947. This group of around 780 comics, I’ve given the set name “WECA Comics” based on the acronym for the Parliamentary Act that created them, and I’ve put out a checklist and price guide to help understand and appreciate their viability as collectibles. Popularly, many people call comics from this group “Canadian Whites” without understanding what they really were or their extent.

There is one comic that came out just after this WECA window closed and that was the May 1947 issue of Super Duper Comics 3 published by F. E. Howard. We’ve clawed this issue back into the group because it appeared as a collection of colourized WECA era stories that had been finished just as the post-war guillotine fell but with no live Bell Features titles left to put them in. F. E. Howard bought up these stories (including some featuring Nitro, Nelvana, the Brain, and Mr. Monster), added colour to them, and put them out in a giant comic that he intended to distribute in the U. S. as well as Canada.
We have to remember that some American comics that were deemed “educational” such as Classics Comics, Real Heroes, and True Comics (though the True Comics destined for Canada had their titles changed to True Picture-Magazine) were allowed through the ban and were on Canadian newsstands during the WECA period. However, these weren’t printed in Canada, so we don’t consider them to be WECA comics, though I’ve seen the True Picture-Magazine books erroneously called “Canadian Whites” in Comic Link auctions.
However, there are some blemishes on this neat “WECA window” that we still need to understand properly. These are the American Pines books that were published in Canada by Publication Enterprises Ltd. In Toronto during 1945 and 1946. There is evidence of the reprint of the American Exciting Comics 35 (October 1944) by Publication Enterprises numbered as Exciting Comics 39 in Canada with the indicia date of March-May 1945.

Other reprints of American Pines titles such as America’s Best Comics, Thrilling, and Startling Comics also exist from early 1945-6. Perhaps some other Pines American titles such as Fighting Yank and Happy Comics exist as reprinted Canadian copies from this 1945-46 period as well. There was also a copy of Goofy Comics 16 reprinted by Pines in Toronto during 1946 that shows a sampling of American comics that would have been on the stands in 1946, whether as reprints or actual American copies themselves, we don’t know. We’re not sure how these reprints were allowed during the ban and we’re not sure how many were put out, but to have an American reprint on the stands as early as the spring of 1945, even before the war was over, is strange. My opinion, right now, is that I don’t think these books should be labelled WECA books (but, I bet if one showed up on a Comic Link auction, they would label it a “Canadian White”). Instead, I think the should be looked at as precursors of the coming FECA or reprint period. I welcome thoughts and comments on these types of books.
With 1947 we begin the second era in Canadian comics. I first wrote about this period over four years ago here and explained there my choice of the acronym FECA to describe this 1947-56 era. What I’d like to try and do in today’s column is begin to sort out what might be the earliest Canadian published comic to appear in this era. I’ve already discounted Super Duper Comics 3 (May 1947) as really an artifact of the WECA period.
The parliamentary act that defined this era didn’t come down until the middle of November in 1947. Here is an account I found in Dan Malan’s Complete Guide to Classics Comics, Vol. Two: Foreign Series of Classics Illustrated and Related Collectibles (Classics Central.Com 2006), pg. 11. The quote originally appeared in an article by Mike Sawyer from Classics Journal No. 1 (Nov. 1983) The paragraph is a reply from the head of The Canadian Tariffs Office to a question Mike asked about the second ban of American comics in Canada:
In 1947, Canada experienced a severe US dollar shortage caused by increases in Canadian purchases of goods in the U.S. while at the same time Canada’s customers in the United Kingdom and Continental Europe, disorganized by the war, were still unable to pay in hard currency for Canadian exports…. On November 17, 1947, … the Government instituted an emergency import control program under the Emergency Exchange Conservation Act…. On December 31, 1950, the operation of the Act was suspended.
Now the assumption is that American comics began to again appear on Canadian store shelves after the war was over and up to this point in the middle of November 1947 when the new act took effect. But this new ban prevented that but allowed Canadian publishers to import printing mats for American comics and print copies in Canada for sale in Canada. The comparatively low quality of the Canadian printing process often resulted in the colour register being off or inaccurate for these reprinted books.
There appears to be this “Twilight Zone” of Canadian comics between the end of the WECA period at the end of 1946 and the institution of this new November 1947 Act banning again the importation of American comics into Canada. We find hardly any Canadian comics with a 1947 indicia date. The new Canadian FECA or “reprint” period really begins in full in 1948.

What 1947 Canadian comics do we know about? The earliest I can find seems to be Superior’s Red Seal Comics 19 with a date of June 1947 with three more consecutive issues, 20-22 dated August, October, and December respectively. The numbering appears to continue from the American Red Seal Comics which ended with No. 18 in October 1946. The cover of No. 19, featuring The Black Dwarf appears to be unique and perhaps drawn by a Canadian artist. The contents are all Canadian artist Ed Letkeman story reprints from Zor the Mighty No. 1 and Space Nomads No. 1. The rest of this series is mainly Chesler reprints with a couple of Canadian Letkeman stories and the odd Fred Kelly story thrown in here and there.

Superior also put out a run of five Dynamic Comics that continues the numbering from the American Chesler run beginning with No. 21 in July 1947 and a run of six Punch Comics that continues the numbering from the Chesler run and begins with No. 2 dated July 1947. The same company also put out a run of Mighty Mouse comics that began with No. 5 in the fall of 1947.

1947 also gave us a short three-issue run of four Classics Illustrated Nos. 17-20 all with blank back and inside covers that were printed in Canada. It also gave us the anti-communist giveaway Is this Tomorrow? which was the Canadian adaptation of the American issue put out by the Catechetical Guild Educational Society. The context was relocated to Canada and a French version was put out in Quebec.

Canada’s Wilson Publishing started doing reprints of American Dell Four Color Comics with issue 148 which was dated July 1947 and appeared a couple of months after the American issue. The assumption is that Wilson continued to reprint all the Dell Four Color issues up until 1951, though copies of all these issues have not been found yet, especially issues under 200.

Lastly, Better Publications of Canada seems to have begun its output with Barnyard Comics 15 dated December 1947, probably put out just at the time that the FECA Act came down.

Looking at 1948 Canadian Comics on the Grand Comics Database, I put together the following chart of what looks like the first issues of Canadian reprint runs that began in that year.
Probable First FECA issues of American Titles | |||
Title | # | Date | Canadian Publisher |
Action Comics | 117 | Feb-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Adventure Comics | 125 | Mar-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Aggie Mack | 1 | Jan-48 | Superior |
All True Crime | 26 | spring-48 | Bell Features |
Archie | 31 | summer-48 | Bell Features |
Batman | 45 | Feb-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Black Terror | 15 | c. Apr-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Blonde Phantom | 17 | c. spring-48 | Bell Features |
Boy Comics | 39 | spring-48 | Superior |
Brenda Starr | 3 | Jun-48 | Superior |
Brick Bradford | 5 | Jul-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Broncho Bill | 6 | Apr-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Captain America Comics | 66 | Aug-48 | Superior |
Captain Marvel Adv. | 82 | c. Apr-48 | Anglo-American |
Captain Marvel Jr. | 58 | spring-48 | Anglo-American |
Congo Comics | 27 | ?-48 | Pioneer Publications |
Crime Fighters | 1 | c. May-1948 | Bell Features |
Dagar Comics | nn | ?-48 | Pioneer Publications |
Desperado | 1 | Jun-48 | Superior |
Detective Comics | 132 | Feb-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Don Winslow | 55 | Mar-48 | Export Publishing |
Funnyman | 1 | Jan-48 | Anglo-American |
Gang Busters | 3 | c. June-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Gene Autry | 14 | c. spring-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Human Torch | 32 | Oct-48 | Superior |
Laugh Comics | 25 | Mar-48 | Bell Features |
Lawbreakers Always Lose | 2 | c. Jul-48 | Bell Features |
Looney Tunes | 79 | summer-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Marvel Mystery | 87 | Nov-48 | Bell Features |
Master Comics | 89 | Mar-48 | Anglo-American |
Moon Girl | 4 | summer-48 | Superior |
Mr. District Attorney | 3 | May-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Nyoka | 17 | c. Apr-48 | Anglo-American |
Patsy Walker | 15 | Mar-48 | Bell Features |
Patsy Walker | 15 | Mar-48 | Bell Features |
Pep Comics | 67 | c. June-48 | Bell Features |
Real Screen Comics | 19 | c. Feb-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Red Ryder | 57 | Apr-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Roy Rogers | 4 | Apr-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Sensation Comics | 70 | c. Jan-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Sensational Crime Comics | 26 | Jun-48 | Pioneer Publications |
Startling Comics | 50 | Mar-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Sub-Mariner Comics | 25 | Aug-48 | Superior |
Sun Girl | 2 | Nov-48 | Superior |
Sunny Comics | nn | Apr-48 | Pioneer Publications |
Superman | 51 | Mar-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Suzie | 62 | c. May-48 | Bell Features |
Teen Town Comics | nn | Feb-48 | Pioneer Publications |
The Marvel Family | 20 | c. Mar-48 | Anglo-American |
Thrilling Comics | 50 | c. Mar-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Tom Mix Western | 3 | spring-48 | Anglo-American |
Two-Gun Kid | 1 | Apr-48 | Bell Features |
Venus | 1 | Sep-48 | Superior |
Walt Disney Comics and Stories | 86 | Feb-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Walter Lanz New Funnies | 135 | May-48 | Wilson Publications of Canada |
Western Comics | 2 | Mar-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Whiz Comics | 97 | c. June-48 | Anglo-American |
Wilbur | 17 | Mar-48 | Bell Features |
Wonder Comics | 17 | spring-48 | Better Pub. of Canada |
Wonder Woman | 28 | spring-48 | National Comics Pub. of Canada |
Young Romance | 4 | Mar-48 | Derby Publishing |
Zoot | 13 | Jun-48 | Export Publishing |
You can see that D.C., Fawcett, Archie, and Disney reprint titles came early in the year, while Timely titles lagged behind until after the summer. If readers are aware of earlier first Canadian reprint issues, please let me know so that I can add to and correct this working chart.
Gilberton also started putting out Classics Illustrated reprints from Toronto in 1948 here is a chart comprising information provided from Dan Malan’s The Complete Guide to Classics Illustrated Volume Two: Foreign Series of Classics Illustrated & Related Collectibles, Classics Central.Com 2006, p. 12.
1948 Canadian Classics Illustrated
(Gilberton Toronto) |
Date | # | HRN |
15-Feb | 10 | 44 |
25-Feb | 42 | 44 |
15-Mar | 11 | 44 |
30-Mar | 43 | 44 |
15-Apr | 1 | 47 |
30-Apr | 44 | 47 |
15-May | 2 | 47 |
30-May | 45 | 47 |
15-Jun | 3 | 47 |
30-Jun | 46 | 47 |
15-Jul | 4 | 47 |
30-Jul | 47 | 47 |
15-Aug | 5 | 54 |
30-Aug | 48 | 54 |
15-Sep | 49 | 54 |
30-Sep | 53 | 54 |
15-Oct | 50 | 54 |
30-Oct | 51 | 54 |
15-Nov | 6 | 54 |
30-Nov | 52 | 54 |
30-Dec | 7 | 54 |
You can see that Classics Illustrated reprints were put out regularly about every two weeks throughout the year. This pattern of issuing a Canadian Classics Illustrated reprint every couple of weeks continued fairly regularly right up to the last one, No. 74 (HRN 75), issued Feb. 18, 1951.
The above is the best accounting we can make right now of the years 1947-48 in Canadian comics. I hope that readers will help me make adjustments and additions where necessary.
Still, there are a whole bunch of questions regarding the FECA period that need to be addressed and these could easily become collecting sub-genres for Canadian comics:
Which comics came out with blank inside and back covers and when (for a while this was an easy way of recognizing that you had a Canadian reprint because all the American ads were taken out)?
When did the hybrid comics (books with American reprint contents but with new titles and covers, often taken from interior splash pages) start coming out and what runs were there?

Bell Features had a run of comics with original contests on the back covers that published the names and cities of winners every month. How many were there and what issues did they appear on back covers?

There were sets of giants containing reprint material with unique covers during the FECA period. How many were there?

There were a handful of original Canadian comics with Canadian content that came out in the FECA period such as Red Seal Comics 19, Hockey Comics and Export’s Science Comics. How many were there?

The FECA period has a much greater scope than the 780 or so books that came out during the six years of the WECA period. It will be a huge task to map out and get a grasp on the full extent of these books. I hope that this article provides a small start.
Jack Tremblay passed away this Remembrance Day. He was one of the last couple of people who were there at the start of Canadian Comics and this led to a life full of art in commercial projects and eventually in fine art. He loved going to cons with his son Rick Trembles and sharing his early love of comics. He was presented with a Doug Wright Giants of the North Award in 2014 and was inducted into the Joe Shuster Hall of Fame in 2017. You will be missed by so many, Jack.

More new information to digest. Too bad, as you mention, so many of the reprints are badly printed. For so many U.S. collectors, still, these are their idea of Canadian comics. But I beleive slowly fans are picking up on the WECA era. Not much fun to collect the FECA reprints, I have very few. On the other hand, the Superior titles are a lot of fun, still mostly inexpensive, and they are yet another variation of “Canadian.” Richie Evans from Bedrock City in Houston pointed out the Superior romance titles are generally fun, and I’ve been focusing on these.
While I agree FECA books are usually a poorer quality print (depending on the publisher) than the original US books they do have several things going for them.
1) Much scarcer than comparable US issue.
2) Hybrid covers and “mystery” interiors have a huge appeal to some collectors (like me)
3) Many more issues out there to collect than WECA books.
I would estimate there are 4000+ individual FECA issues from my indexing work so far.
There are many hiding among the population of US books not identified as Canadian by sellers.
Another great post Ivan! As usual I find out something I had no clue about in almost every post you make. This time the Exciting Comics #35 reprint. I always thought of this book as being somewhat over the top (even for a war book) in terms of its depiction of the heroes and the Japanese villains. Little Timmy smiling as he steam rolls the Japanese solders takes the cake. Most images of Japanese atrocities are shown as impending or implied. The book does capture time and place though, and it is still a popular Schomburg cover today. Thank you for another informative lesson professor 🙂 Lunch soon!
Bud, there’s loads of FECA stuff to collect that’s interesting from the Canadian viewpoint like the genres I mention at the end of the article. Fowir me it’s interesting to see what we did to these American reprints before we put them on the stands. Maybe it’s easier for us Canadians to see because these are part of our own comic history. I wonder if American collectors who are all collected out with respect to American genres would ever turn to Canadian comics as a new almost untouched collecting genre?
I agree with all the points you make about the positives of collecting these FECA comics…. even the poor printing is a historic stamp of Canadian-ness and evidence of why they existed. I wonder how CGC treats off-register covers and contents?
Thanks for your kind comments, Mike, and thanks for your own Arcs and Runs columns which display your own love and knowledge of comics. They are an informative read for me.
Beauty post and some great looking comics! I have a few of these Canadian editions here and there in my collection. I wonder if there is still something on 18th Street in Toronto where the offices of Dell Comics “republisher” Wilson Publishing had its headquarters? I posted a subscription ad from a 1950 Red Ryder here.
Oops, I mean here:
How about simply Phase 2 as a label.
If you can’t use GATT, which was the initial reason for the second measures around those years, or the abbreviation for the Emergency Exchange Act please don’t use that (in my opinion) awful term.
I have to reject your disgusting terminology of fecal comics.
To Bryan Munn, this might interest you about Wilson in that you deal in records as well. This publishing company was in trouble for awhile as one of the early music ‘pirates.’ They didn’t have mp3s back then but they did sell unauthorized bootleg music & lyric sheets.
Thanks for sharing that Can. Ed. Red Ryder, Bryan. The Wilson offices were on 18th Street in New Toronto and New Toronto was located in what is now Etobicoke. It was on the lakeshore between what is now Mimico and Long Branch. It extended north from the lake to the CNR tracks and 18th Street was the bottom part of Kipling Ave. The bottom part of Islington is still called 7th Street. 18th Street disappeared in 1967 when Humber College was established there. Wilson put out a whole mess of Dell reprints, but now there is no building or warehouse left.
Of course, Jim B., you can reject anything I propose just as anybody can. GATT could very well be the underlying cause of the measures parliament took in late 1947 but I’ve never really seen it connected to establishing the Canadian reprints of American comics in the late ’40s. I’m just doing my best to understand Canadian golden age comics and I’ve come up with the terms I have to help in this understanding. I’m sorry that the term FECA brings to mind the association with the word “fecal”… my brain has never gone there, nor has anybody pointed this out to me before. Jim B., you are one of the most knowledgeable people I know who knows about these old Canadian comics and I welcome you to use any terminology you see fit. I’m proposing ones that work for me and I accept the fact that they might easily change or transform in the future. Thanks for always sharing your knowledge with us.
Just wondering about those coverless comics printed in Canada in 1946? Published by Century. I only have one being ‘Bogey Man’ has a 6d price on it. Was the cover missing to get around anything at the time?
Terence, those coverless Centuries were probably remaindered books that had their covers torn off by retailers and then the retailers sent them back to the publisher. Instead of scrapping these books, Century, stamped the coverless books with their logo and sent them overseas, often as ballast in ships, and they were sold in the UK. UK distributors often put a sixpence price (as your copy has) on them. I did an CBD article on Century Publications five years ago: .
Jim B., thanks for the tip. I’m fascinated by the rough and tumble, sometimes-fly-by-night (and porrly-documented world of Charlton-style song and lyric mags, sheet music, and record pressing in Canada, the vagaries of mid-Century copyright law, and comic books, so this has piqued my interest. Also, EECA would have been fine, although I never made the “fecal matter” connection with FECA.
Thanks Ivan. That explains that! I can not find which comic these stories are from they are not from any Red band or Zoom as they are different. I can not find a reference to Bogey man appearing anywhere else?
R.I.P. Murray Karn
After Jack Tremblay’s recent passing I got to wondering if anyone had checked on Murray Karn’s (Thunderfist) status these days.
From an article in The Southampton Press, it looks like he’s no longer with us and that he passed on earlier this year. I hadn’t seen any update on the Joe Shuster Awards site, so I make note of it here.
Murray J. Karn Of Hampton Bays Dies March 19
Article dated Mar 27, 2018 states “An award-winning artist, he is survived by his wife, Margot; and his sister, Roslyn Baldwin and her family.”
An aside to Bryan, I’ll send you an article with more details.
To Terence, try Merry Comics from Rural Home.
There’s one of the Bogeyman stories in there, the “Triple Cross” one if that’s the coverless Century that you have.
Thanks Jim. The “Bogey Man” story that is in my comic only has “Bogey Man” as the title and involves a Gargoyle. I did check ‘Merry’ comics and some of the other Rural comic one shots but nothing doing! But thanks for the heads up and hey I got to see that lovely L.B.Cole cover on ‘Mask’ comic no 2!
I did another search and can not find this story or the other stories “The Sorcerer’ and “Satanas’ any where on images or comic related sites. Which could mean there is another one shot floating around? As it was printed in Canada maybe it had a Canadian cover? Or are these strips that never got printed in America? Confused. Not that many I guess would really worry about it but it would be nice to see the original cover.
Terrance, …oh you have the other coverless Bogeyman comic. There were two.
That one with the Gargolye is supposed to be from the 64pg Zor the Mighty #2 comic.
No one has scanned that whole issue, that I can tell, so this is second-hand information.
Jim I found some one on Ebay selling ZTM 2 and asked about Bogey Man etc and he said they are not in that comic. I will just have to keep looking!
Thanks to Jim B, I put up a short obit for WECA/FECA cartoonist Murray Karn on Sequential. Includes a quote from Ivan’s interview with Karn.
Another great article. I never really thought of the late 40’s-50’s as separate from the main WECA period. I knew they were reprints with few originals, bur dividing it into two separate periods adds more understanding. I’ve been trying to find out about Pioneer Publishing (I’m in London, where they were based.) but very little info found so far.
To avoid “fecal” maybe RECA for reprints?
Still it amazes me how there is so much still to learn about a very brief period.
Hey Ivan, I have an alternate history question for you. What would it take for these companies to stay alive past the golden age?
Alex, it would probably would have taken keeping the ban on American comics going since they could produce better quality comics more cheaply. Maybe some government grants, tax breaks, or investment in this Canadian industry. Maybe also the internet coverage we now have and crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter. Finally, maybe Stan Lee could have taken over a company or two.
Ivan, Thanks. I’ve actually thought of that question abit. I think it would take somebody to but them no matter what timeline. I’ve got into writing fanfiction about the characters. Right I’m doing some worldbuilding.