Undervalued Spotlight #370

Marvel Super Heroes #14, Marvel Comics, May 1968.

This week I want to stay with Marvel and again pick a neglected gem. Honestly I’m hard pressed to think of a more neglected gem that this week’s Undervalued Spotlight – Marvel Super Heroes #14.

Longtime Spotlight fan Juan pointed me towards this book and it didn’t take much convincing.

Marvel Super Heroes #14 is a giant size 25 center that boasts a rich black Ross Andru cover. Andru is an Eisner Hall of Famer and is probably most famous for launching a sweet 9 year Wonder Woman run starting with the new Silver Age look in Wonder Woman #98 (with inker Mike Esposito).

Marvel Super Heroes #14 gives us two 1st appearances in the Sorcerer and the Synthetic Man, the book also gives us an 8 page Golden Age reprint story, Mercury in the 20th Century, that was the 1st Jack Kirby signed work for Marvel. 1940 Kirby art is a nice little bonus.

Our pal Juan pointed out to me that this was the 1st time Spidey headlined outside Amazing Spider-Man, I had a quick poke around and found no evidence to the contrary, hopefully someone can confirm.  The Spectacular Spider-Man mag came out a few months after this issue.

I’ve been watching the incredible run up on all Spider-Man prices. The appreciation of books like Amazing Fantasy #15 and Amazing Spider-Man #1 has been insane but I’ve also seen this trickle into the whole Amazing Spider-Man run, especially the early issues. I’m saying that people will start dusting off copies of Marvel Super Heroes #14 and start seeing it for what it is, an important, undervalued little piece of Spider-Man.

Marvel Super Heroes #14 in high grade with a nice square binding is stunning to behold and as of this post can be had on the cheap.

Recent sales include a CGC 9.0 at a measly $67 (that’s half Guide!) and even more sad a CGC 9.4 at $199. Gah! Where the hell was I for these auctions!

The 47th Overstreet price break for this book is $65/$135/$200 in the 8.0/9.0/9.2 grade splits.

Reasons to buy this comic book as an investment:

  • 1st appearance Sorcerer and Synthetic Man
  • Square bound black cover tough to get well bound and in high grade
  • 1st Spidey headlining outside Amazing Spider-Man

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1847


  1. Walt,
    Couldn’t agree more! I picked this as undervalued back in the 90’s in an article for CBM. Of course, it hasn’t moved an I nch, so I guess one could argue I was wrong. But I feel it’s underappreciated. Just compare to any Spidey issue of the same era. Yet this is a double-sized square bound first Spidey headline outside his own book (since AF15, of course).

    I’d have to double check, but isn’t it Andru’s first Spidey art too? He is buried behind Ditko and Romita, but his Spidey was the Spidey look for half of the 70’s.

  2. Yes! I mentioned to Walter – this is Ross Andru’s first Spidey. And for all Bronze Age fans – Ross Andru is the quintessential Spider-Man artist!

  3. A great pick, Juan & Walt. And great rationale by all. I would add that Marvel Super Heroes is a fairly important title. This issue falls in the middle of the first Captain Marvel, first Carol Danvers, and the first GOTG! Is that why it gets overlooked?… I too have agreed for years that this one is undervalued, and do not understand the comparative lack of interest in a new Spidey cover and story from the 60’s. The only complaint I have heard is that the story is weak, but that is pretty low on the list of things that drive value. Seems inevitable that the price will get closer to other significant Spider-Man comics of this era at some point.

  4. My central argument is Ross Andru. As a fan, it has always frustrated me how overlooked, underappreciated Andru’s contribution tends sit in comic book history. This being his first artwork on Spider-Man is a gem.

  5. OK I have to admit, Walt, this beats my 1987 Punisher pick by a mile. MSH #14 being Andru’s first Spider-Man is a really big selling point. I also have to say, until this issue was reprinted recently in one of the Masterworks or Epic Collections trades, I don’t think I’d ever seen it before.

    Just one thing: hadn’t Marvel Tales become a Spidey-centred title by 1968? While it’s only a reprint series, it’s fair to say he “headlined” it from the start, with his story being the lead in most, if not all, issues (and having the dominant cover image by about issue 10).

  6. Correct. Marvel Tales did headline Spidey prior to this issue, but as you stated – it was in reprints.
    How does everyone else feel about Ross Andru?

  7. Well I guess there is a dissenter in every group and this week I am it. Walt and I haven’t had a coffee together for awhile and we are overdue. This is the second book in the last couple weeks that we have both been working on the same book (Sgt. Fury #1) and now this one. We are on complete opposite sides of the fence on this one though as Marvel Super-Heroes #14 was my next Overvalued Overstreet.

    I’ll start by pointing out what I do like about the book.

    1. I love square-bound books and the black cover is bonus.
    2. I like the group of golden-age re-prints in this book.
    3. I like Ross Andru as an artist and think he. is very underappreciated. I like John Romita more, but have no issue with the art in this book.

    And for me that is it. The story is a filler from Stan Lee, drawn by Ross Andru and it was insurance in case John Romita couldn’t meet his assignment because of a wrist injury. I had read somewhere it was supposed to be a three month thing, but Mr. Romita never missed an issue of Amazing Spider-Man. It was used instead in Marvel Super-Heroes #14. Eric was kind calling this a weak story. It is dreadful in my opinion. Features two one and done villain’s the Sorcerer and The Synthetic Man. Not worthy of the Amazing Spider-Man title for certain.

    Walt you made a point about Marvel Super-Heroes #14 only getting about 50% of guide in recent auctions. The results on this book have been like that for ages! This book almost never makes guide. It actually seems to fair better in mid-grades. ie Overvalued Overstreet.

    Listed below are the Overstreet 9.2 prices for the Amazing Spider-Man that surround Marvel Super-Heroes #14.

    Amazing Spider-Man #58-60 $240

    Marvel Super-Heroes #14 $200

    Amazing Spider-Man #61-74 $210

    Now where is Marvel Super- Heroes #14 going to break out from in this group?

    I wouldn’t waste my investment money on any of the above to be truthful (except ASM#72 of course). Marvel Super-Heroes #14 is best owned in low to mid grade as a reader copy for the great golden age reprints in my opinion.

  8. Nice strong argument Mike, and some great behind the scenes history, but since when does a book have to have a good story, or good art for that matter, to be collected and valuable. The Golden Age and early Silver age both have examples of so so stories and art yet the books still hold demand and value.

    Guide values for the ASM issues you noted are similar to MSH #14 but ASM’s market performance at say 9.4 is way better. I’m arguing this book should have similar values – Giant Size, black cover, 1st appearances, Andru, 1st Kirby in reprint etc.

    And yes a coffee is long overue

  9. Sorry Walt, I’m with Mike on this one, and, at the risk of offending any fans, I have to say that I consider Andru a less than third-rate artist. Of course, I’m not a huge fan of Romita either, so I guess that already puts me out in left field in most peoples’ books. But, really, to say that good art and a good story are not necessarily selling points seems a bit out in left field to me too. Those are the only two reasons I can see to buy a comic, unless it’s Action #1, which admittedly looked like a ten year old drew it and wrote it. But that is all about investment, not aesthetic value. although, now that I mention it, I guess that’s pretty much the focus of these posts. I just wouldn’t buy a comic with bad art and story, but then I’m a reader, not an investor.

    cheers, mel

  10. Mike, your argument is dreadful, at best. I know that the expected attitude is to regard all opinions as valuable and worthy, but, NO. Regardless of how you feel about Ross Andru’s work, he is among the greats. His ability to capture the NYC landscape is unparalleled. His story telling talent is among the best cartoonist of all time. And his run on Amazing Spider-Man is iconic. He defined Spider-Man’s look for a generation. The fact that this is his first work on Spider-Man, alone, earns this book high regard. Here’s a tip – learn a little about comic book history, its legendary contributors, and develop a better understanding of this genre before you continue putting forth the drivel you have spewed here.

  11. Juan,

    “I like Ross Andru as an artist and think he is very underappreciated”. Where is the hate for Ross Andru there? He was a very well established artist long before he drew this book, and i like his run on bronze age Spider-Man too..

    My argument was about the book itself with a weak story (Stan Lee), forgettable villains (Stan Lee), and low demand – forever (the marketplace). I just don’t see what will spur it on. Walt is talking about high-grade improvement for the book (9.4 ++) in terms of increased value. Maybe that will happen.

    As with anything I write you are entitled to your opinion and are allowed to express it here. Have a nice day Juan.

  12. Juan
    Thank you for your “opinion.” You are entitled to one, as are any of the commentators on this site. So am I entitled to an opinion, preferably without the threat of insult. I am a collector, conservator, creator and comic historian with 57 years in this hobby, and I think, despite your aversion to my thoughts, you might exercise a bit of diplomacy when you decide to lash out. And, if you are looking for “disgusting” or “third rate” comments you need look no further than your own.


  13. Here is Gerry Conway on Ross “the Boss” Andru:

    “Ross Andru could place a character anywhere he wanted. He had a terrific sense of spatial relations; he could track a battle easily across rooftops, from panel to panel. He drew some great sequences where he maintained the same stationary background, a rooftop or a street, across an entire page, but move the characters from panel to panel. I know there are artists today who do that, but many of today’s artists are figure-oriented. Space and context doesn’t seem as important to them, whereas it was extremely important to Ross. He used to go around New York City taking pictures of the buildings so he could be accurate about where he put Spider-Man.”

  14. Great pick! Love Andru’s work!

    The comments seem to be emotional here. I’ll cautiously state: Ross Andru is not in the category of Jack Kirby, John Buscema, George Perez, or John Romita.

    BUT, he is close to their plateau. Andru had a knack for capturing the feel of 1970s NYC. It’s interesting how important it was to him – taking pictures of the buildings. Where he lacked in certain areas, he more than made up for in his spatial talent. He was the perfect artist for Spider-Man because of this spatial talent. There are panels from his amazing run (pun) that had the feel of photographs. As a kid, Andru made me feel I knew NYC without ever having visited. In fact, many years later, when I finally did visit NYC, I was amazed at how consistent my real life experience was with my imagined experiences. And, it is not hyperbolic to state that Ross Andru’s ASM run had a great deal to do with it.

    Ross Andru had a unique talent as a storyteller. He understood the art of showing the story. All the writers he ever worked with absolutely loved collaborating with him. Someone referred to Andru as less than a third rate artist. I have to say, that’s not an opinion. That’s simply an ignorant comment.


  15. Mel, you just don’t get it. You think it’s okay for you to refer to Andru “as less than third rate,” but then your feathers get ruffled when you’re called on it. Well, too bad. This is as diplomatic a response as you’re going to get from me. Your point on Andru is not an opinion. It’s an ignorant comment. It’s the words of a clueless ignoramus.

  16. Mel, clearly you’re one of those guys that sits back, does nothing, but is eager to criticize those that do. Your words say all that needs to be said about you. Your comment on Ross Andru shows what you are. The fact that you find it necessary to declare that you are “a collector, conservator, creator and comic historian with 57 years in this hobby,” shows your insecurity. Move along, Mel. Move along.

  17. OK guys let’s try and get this post back on track.

    Juan – I have laid out the reasons why I don’t like this book as a UV pick. I don’t like the story or villains. the book doesn’t and really hasn’t performed for ages in the market. I still like Ross Andru and still haven’t made a derogatory comment about him.

    I am interested in what you think will move this book in an upward trajectory in the market place. I personally can’t see it. I know you feel strongly about Ross Andru as an artist. First artist appearances on books historically have not created much value unless you are a rock star like Adams or Steranko. I am interested in your answer. I am not loading up my quill to throw, arrows, darts or insults at it either. I trash books not people.

    PS I did get my chuckle of the day about your ” history tip “. I bought Marvel Super-Heroes #14 directly off the spinner rack when it came out in 1968. Seems like the longer I live , the more I become part of comic history.

  18. Mike – Nether, Adams or Steranko, are half the storyteller Ross Andru was. It doesn’t matter that Ross Andru isn’t a rock star, whatever that means.
    My point is that this comic book, Marvel Super Heroes #14, may well be the single most underrated, undervalued comic book of all time. No, this is not a hyperbolic statement! Again, Spider-Man is Marvel’s flagship. The Bronze Age has become quite popular among collectors. And, Andru defined the era through his pencils on Amazing Spider-Man. His run on ASM, #125-#185, is one of the most beloved and popular runs of all time. Andru defined Peter Parker for all of us between the ages of 45-55, give or take. Marvel super Heroes #14 is Andru’s first work on the character. It is a Silver Age comic book in hard to find high grade, due to its black cover and giant size spine (binding). For you to fail to acknowledge this comic’s importance is egregious. For you to suggest it is overvalued is simply ridiculous.

  19. Thanks for the response Juan. I’ll clear up what I mean by rock star. Neal Adams and Jim Steranko revel in their popularity with fans and there books are super-popular in Overstreet. There books do get premiums and work by them is noted on almost every book they do in Overstreet. Ross Andru and many like him do not receive this type of recognition from Overstreet. Some examples. Big John Buscema had pretty much the definitive Avengers run in the sixties. There is nothing about him starting the run in issue #41. Ditto Herb Trimpe and his long run with the Incredible Hulk including Wolverine that began with issue #106. Gil Kane on Spider-Man for three years beginning at issue #89 before Andru took over. All accomplished artists with little recognition from Overstreet for there moment in the sun.

    I too bought up every Spider-Man off the racks from issue #45 through #200 and bought 1-44 later (when I started to make money). I am very familiar with Russ Andru and his art and accomplishments. On Andru when speaking to me, you have been preaching to the choir.

    I understand you see MSH#14 as undervalued for its content. We’ll have agree to disagree on that. For this book to go up, the fan base for Ross Andru is going to have lead the way, as for the past 50 years the Amazing Spider-Man crowd just haven’t bought in to this book. I’ll hope for a big pop-up in the book to say $500 and you can tell me I told you so,( and then buy me lunch:).

    You wilI notice that Walt didn’t include the Ross Andru angle in his final summation for reasons to buy this book as an investment. This is why I never thought the thrust of this post was about Ross Andru. I concentrated on current and past market performance, and elements of the book that I felt were weak, the villains and story.

  20. I like Andru but to be honest I was always a Romita man when it comes to Spidey, Ditko, McFarlane etc all play second fiddle for me. My Spidey is the Romita Spidey. Nothing wrong with being a fan of Ross Andru though he was a solid artist who did put his stamp on the title. Now that I know how strong a following Andru has (just read a few of the comments) I’m doubling down and calling this pick a sure thing!! Anybody with high grade copies? I’m buying!

  21. If this book in a 9.2 hits $500 you can tell me I told you so too. And then buy me lunch. I too prefer Romita Spider-Man, but have no-issue Andru’s art.

  22. Mike, I respect your argument. You are wrong. But I like you. I apologize for my outburst. I may have conflated your words with those of that goon, Mel Taylor. His reference to Ross Andru as “less that third rate” really triggered the ire within me. I met Ross Andru. He was one of the kindest souls you’ll ever know. A true craftsman. Anyone who refers to him the way that two bit punk, Mel Taylor, referred to him is nothing but a blithering imbecile.

    We can disagree on the book’s forecast. We can disagree on favorite artist. Of course. But to insult Ross Andru and expect to not receive some backlash is just not going to happen. Not on my watch.

  23. No apology required Juan. I am still going to hold you to a breakout on that Amazing Spider-Man #37. When it does – I’ll buy you lunch :).

  24. CGC valuation is separate from Overstreet, especially at the high end. Not to say it’s irrelevant… but Walt referenced Overstreet.

    “… I think, despite your aversion to my thoughts, you might exercise a bit of diplomacy”
    “… Learn a little diplomacy, and maybe even a bit of common courtesy.”

    Mel makes me laugh. I’ll never understand why some people continually try and distort reality, especially when past behaviour is all on record.

  25. It’s not about catching up. Grades for RAW books are interpretive, as well, buyer assumes risk of restoration, not to mention cost of encapsulation. As such, no informed person would pay slabbed prices for a RAW book. As well, GPA reflects actual sales, where as Overstreet prices are literally pulled from thin air by a bunch of guys in a room. Yes, both are linked and CGC sales are definitely influenced by Overstreet… so you can navigate this relationship however you see fit.

    $500 bucks for MSH#14 graded 9.6 is a joke. Anyone who plans on dumping that kind of money into this book… Well, good luck to them, and God bless. Here… take a look at what RAW copies are fetching.


    What we should be looking at are market and behavioral PATTERNS! While nothing is guaranteed… the Sorcerer and Synthetic Man does not fit the bill. But if you simply like the book, or Ross Andru… You can save yourself a small fortune by buying a nice RAW copy for about $30.

  26. Well, Charlie, that’s the point. Overstreet has some catching up to do based on demand and sales. Hence, it is undervalued and the spotlight is on it. Simple.

  27. Charlie, the raw books you are directing us to are in mid grade. This book’s value is in it rare, hard to find status over a 9.0. There are only 13 CGC 9.6 grades of this book. Only two recorded at 9.8. This book at 9.6, graded, for 500.00 is not overvalued. In fact, one sold for 650.00 a couple of years ago. Learn, pal.

  28. Ah before everyone gets all excited, you may want look at Jack’s post for the 9.6 MSH #14 that sold for $300 On Dec.6th at 5.27 pm

  29. Well, it seems the comic is selling higher than we thought. There seems to be interest in higher/high grade. If there are only 13 graded at 9.6, that’s very interesting. Also, the comic is almost fifty years old. And, of course – Ross Andru!

  30. Jack, I’m not here to convince you how to spend your hard earned money. If you think MSH#14 is undervalued at $300… or $500, and has more room to run, have at it Hoss. Pick up as many as you can afford. But I can’t help notice that the 9.6 is still up for sale… and nobody here is willing to pull the trigger despite being undervalued.

  31. That’s great Juan. Based on your numbers, the buyer made $700… That’s a sweet return! Did you buy it Juan or did you leave the $700 on the table for someone else? So… you’re saying I’m the dense one here?

  32. Look, Charlie. To put it it bluntly, what the f*k is your problem? The simple argument is that this comic is undervalued. Do you understand what the term undervalued signifies? It signifies that an item is selling for LESS than what it should be worth. That’s the point of the comic books presented here. So, yes, Charlie, this comic book sells for less than what the UNDERVALUED signification implies. One just sold for 300.00 dollars. This is an indication that it is trending higher. And in my opinion it will go further. So, exactly what part of that do you not understand?

  33. If you’re referring to this one on CL, it sold for $280:


    It’s the same one that Jack referenced on eBay with an ask of $495, which nobody was willing to pay, including yourself even though you championed this book as having a $1000 value. The reason it sold for $280 is that the only other one on record since 2007 is the one that sold on Dec 3 for $285. Also, Jack stated that one sold (somewhere) for $650 a couple of years ago. If this is true, $650 to $285 or $280 is a huge decline.

    But Juan… we don’t need to agree, and you certainly don’t need my approval. If you believe… go buy it.

  34. Hey Juan… check it out what I bought today:


    I think it’s awesome. It’s a real commercial print on archival board with a run of only 100, each one hand signed and numbered. I’m tempted to say each of the 4 colours has been letter pressed since each plate left a deep impression on the board, which makes it even more special. Artist is Guy Davis of Hellboy fame. I’m embarrassed to say how much I paid for it… It was already cheap and dealer gave me a further discount for taking all 4 remaining copies. I was going to sell 2 and recoup my cost but I love it so much I think I’ll keep all 4. I just wanted to show it off because it’s such an amazingly beautiful print. Have fun ^_^

  35. Charlie, you’ve softened my heart. Clearly, I allowed my knee-jerk-default-system get the better of me. As a kid, my first comic book was ASM #133, art by Ross Andru. His images were of great comfort to me during a rather lonely childhood. When Andru died of pancreatic cancer, I mourned. Anyway, to say I have a soft spot for Andru is an obvious understatement. His work is underappreciated.

    Allow me to put forth a clear position: Marvel Super Heroes #14 is undervalued. Should it sell for 1000.00 dollars? Well, only if someone is will to pay that for it. It seems that the one that sold for 650.00 was not sustainable. But it does seem that high grade (CGC) copies have found a solid base close to 300.00. My prediction is that this comic book will continue to see a steady rise. It will mark its 50th birthday this coming May.

    Finally, that’s a great find, Charlie! Don’t be embarrassed by your purchase price. If it brings you pleasure, joy, satisfaction – ENJOY! There is something so personal about certain items we pick up. The best to you, Charlie! And, please accept my apology for my acid behavior.

  36. No hard feelings from me Juan. I understand that comic book collecting is very personal. We all have our stories so it’s an emotional endeavour. But what I’ve always tried to point out on this site is that we should try and make financial decisions based reasoning that reflects the greater market.

    Here’s something kinda strange. The MSH#14 that sold on eBay for $300 is the same one that was recorded on GPA… but for $285. The date and bar code matches. Not sure why there’s a discrepancy. This book was as high as $597 but that was way back in 2002 and I don’t see the one that sold for $650. The other interesting thing is, this book does not trade very often. Perhaps you can interpret this as being “rare”, or it could be that there isn’t a lot of interest:


    So the current 9.6 listed on eBay for $495 is the seller attempting to flip the one he purchased on CL for $280. If he’s successful, he’ll probably net around $150 in profit, after factoring in the fees and shipping. Clearly, you and Jack are not the only ones who feel this book is undervalued. On the plus side, since there are so few of these books graded, the seller does have a shot at a sale, but only if a hard core collector of this series wanders by and decides he wants this book bad enough. It’s not the kind of risk I would take but what a boring world it would be if we all thought the same way.

    Happy collecting Juan.

  37. Charlie, thanks for the info. You clearly have an understanding of the financial aspect of this hobby. According to Jack (above in the thread), here are only 13 CGC 9.6 grades of this book and only two recorded at 9.8. As you mentioned, the book has probably not been a well sought after comic book. But, keep in mind, it is also a difficult type of book to find in high grade. It is 50 years old, black cover, glue giant size spine. If any interest develops, it’ll be tricky to find a supply. The two potential driving factors: 1st Spidey headline outside of ASM, 1st Andru on Spidey. Will these two factors generate collectors’ interest? Well, so far it has not. But I believe this is a matter of oversight. My hope is that the book moves upward. Not because I want to profit – my personal holding on this comic is modest. I own what I would guess to be a 7.0 raw, and what seems to be a beautiful high grade (maybe a 9.6?). But I have no interest in selling either. I’d just like to see Andru get his recognition. My oldest work from Andru is Wonder Woman #103. Would love to own WW #98, but that one has risen rapidly over the past few years.

  38. Juan, I hear what you’re saying and the limited availability of high grade specimens will work in favour of the 9.6 copy listed on eBay. There are lot of books deserving of more recognition and perhaps MSH#14 is one of them. However, where monetary value is concerned, you and I both know that the market leans hard toward 1st appearances, especially in recent years… and the Sorcerer and Synthetic Man don’t have enough allure.

    As a fellow art lover, I wish that good creative was more appreciated but I don’t have a positive outlook for books based on this premise. The last art based strong holds such as GL#76 or DD#158 or X#53… Neal Adams, Frank Miller and BWS respectively are some of may favourite creators, but they just don’t get much love these days. Objectively speaking… and if anybody asks, I typically recommend that investors short these books and scoop up cheaper nice looking RAW copies for their personal collection instead.

    I’m not sure if Walters written about these before but current undervalued books I’m looking for is Fantastic Four Annual #6 and Giant-Sized Fantastic Four #4… although, I may have missed the boat on GSFF#4 due to recent rumours about the Multiple Man. However, I think the birth of Franklin and Annhilus is a compelling combination. I can see Marvel movies eventually building a story around the Negative Zone and Annhilus can easily be the next super villain like Thanos or Ultron. Again, I like these picks solely based on the 1st appearances of viable characters, although I love the books as well but I’ve got my lower grade copies so my collection is covered.

    Juan, I’m glad we could find some common ground… What do you think about my picks ^_^

  39. Readcomix,

    Very glad you popped back on here. I finally tracked down your article on Marvel Super-Heroes #12-20 in a Comicbook Marketplace quarterly. I was blown away that I had picked the same run to write about in Arcs & Runs over 20 years later.!! Three of those books turned into genuine hits #12,13,18, and some people here think there is a fourth in issue #14. In any event it was a great undervalued call all those years ago.

    I’d say great minds think alike, but instead I’ll just say I’m glad that sometimes I am lucky enough to think like you!

  40. Mike,
    You are way too kind; thank you! Some would probably say I was crazy to pick that run, given that it’s a viable pick 20 years later, but I think the basic fact that it’s a batch of long-neglected cool Marvels (a category rarely containing neglected books — cool Marvels) was/is enough for it. I don’t hold much hope for Phantom Eagle or the Black Knight, but the Medusa book (tough in grade) and the Dr Doom solo book still are super cheap with the potential for legs. Beyond the value potential, they are just plain cool cheap silver age Marvels.

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