Undervalued Spotlight #293

power man 24Power Man #24, Marvel Comics, April 1975

I was pricing some comics for an upcoming Con and came across a nice tight Black Goliath #1. I wasn’t sure how to price it because I knew the Guide was a bit behind on the book and online things looked stalled. Then I thought, could this be a potential Spotlight pick? I decided against choosing Black Goliath #1 but I do want to thank it for leading me to this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick, Power Man #24.

Power Man #24 is the real key here, the book features the first appearance of Dr. Bill Foster as Black Goliath. By the way, Dr. Bill Foster was first introduced in Avengers #32 way back in September 1966. I’ll throw in Avengers #32 in this week’s bonus Spotlight pick because you should really have both of these comics.

Dr. Foster was a biochemist assisting Hank Pym in the lab, we all know that Hank Pym went from Ant Man to Giant Man. Eventually Foster gains the Pym formula and Black Goliath is born.

I can’t believe how well Fantastic Four #52 (1st appearance of Black Panther) has been doing, the comic continues to set new highs across all grades. The Panther’s appearance in the latest Captain America movie was one of the highlights and buzz for the character continues to grow.

I’m seeing the same growth in interest and demand in Luke Cage, Power Man. The character’s inclusion in the Marvel Netflix schedule has everyone wanting a copy of Hero for Hire #1 (his 1st appearance).

Of all the great African American heroes Marvel created in the Silver and early Bronze Age Black Goliath is the one yet to see that big spike in public awareness, interest, demand and then price. I’m not afraid to predict that those are coming.

There is very limited activity online for graded copies of this book though things look like they are starting to heat up.

Power Man #24 is still in store bins and convention dealer bins, yes some have pulled the issue out and are beginning to speculate on it but many others continue to allow it to sit in those long boxes just waiting for you to come and find it.

Black Goliath is a character that can fit into so many scenarios, you can bet Marvel will start using the character in media other than comics. The character needs more public awareness and I have a strong feeling Marvel will provide it.

The 45th Overstreet price breaks for this book is $8/$10/$12 in the 8.0/9.0/9.2 grade splits.

Strengths that make this comic a good long-term investment are:

  • Bill Foster becomes Black Goliath
  • Waaaay too low in the Guide

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852

One comment

  1. I like this pick; looked in Overstreet and its NM $12 and not called out from the run.
    Traded a stack of Bronze books today to a local comics shop for a pre-code horror book; in that stack was a mid-grade Black Lightning #1, a low grade Black Goliath #1 (kept a better copy), and a couple of Action #521 (first Vixen). Both guys working in the shop were particularly eager to take those in, saying they’ve had lots of demand of late, in store and at shows, for early appearances of black heroes.
    That led into a great rambling discussion about Lois Lane #106, Josie #45, Teen Titans #45, etc.
    Anyone know whether Misty Knight precedes Storm in the Marvel Universe?
    Anyway, cheers Walt on this one; you’re on the crest of the wave with it, methinks!

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