Undervalued Spotlight #260

Wonder Woman #98, DC Comics, May 1958. All Star Comics #8 is all the rage these days. I know a few guys just itching to get their hands on one before the prices get out of reach. This week I’ll offer an alternative to those who want to play the Wonder Woman game.

wonder woman 98Wonder Woman #98, DC Comics, May 1958

All Star Comics #8 is all the rage these days. I know a few guys just itching to get their hands on one before the prices get out of reach. But it might be too late: prices have shot up so quickly on this book it’s dizzying. I’m sure there is more room for the book to appreciate but it’s awfully discouraging when an entry-level low grade 1.0 has to set you back over $12,000 USD.

This week I’ll offer an alternative to those who want to play the Wonder Woman game.  I’d like to feature Wonder Woman #98 as this week’s Undervalued Spotlight.

Woman #98 launches a new Wonder Woman era; it is considered the first Silver Age Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman #98 is a very distinct re-boot, with the new art team of Andru and Esposito plus writer Robert Kanigher’s reset with a new origin story, it definitely merits the first Silver Age distinction.

Some of the hottest books on the market right now are Silver Age DC keys. While some of these keys, like Brave and Bold #25 (Suicide Squad) offer up original creations many others like Showcase #22 (Green Lantern) offer up the first Silver Age incarnations of already popular characters.

Wonder Woman, Like Superman and Batman transitioned from the Golden Age to the Silver Age as the same character, unlike say Green Lantern, Hawkman and Flash who all received new alter egos. Wonder Woman #98 can only work then if it is accepted as the first Silver Age issue and from all my readings I have to say the hobby has embraced it as such. Wonder Woman #98 is a Silver Age DC key.

When I was coming up through the ranks in the 80s and 90s Silver Age Wonder Woman collecting was centred on issue #105 ($3000 current guide). While issue #105 still commands tremendous demand and respect it has now been joined by #98 as a must have Wonder Woman book from this era.

Stupid scarce in high grade, nothing has been graded above an 8.0 and only 29 as of this post on the CGC census.

With so few copies it’s no wonder that Wonder Woman #98 hardly ever trades, I’ve seen only 2 results in the past 33 months. I will point out though that a CGC 7.0 copy of #98 ($961) outsold a CGC 7.0 copy of #105 ($896) back in 2013.

So it feels like this book has already popped but I know there are plenty of ungraded copies out there. Looking at the CGC census on the “Scarce” issue #105 (80 copies as of this post) tells me there are plenty #98s still to be dug up.

Best is to buy off someone who has one. Don’t let it get to market!

45th Overstreet price breaks for this book are $334/$567/$800 in the 8.0/9.0/9.2 grade splits.

Strengths that make this comic a good investment are:

  • First Silver Age Wonder Woman
  • Value too low in the Guide for a Silver Age Key DC
  • New Origin

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1852


  1. i know Marvels are more popular and usually command more money, but personally, i’ve always liked the DC characters. to me, it was always about rarity.. a lack of high grades.

  2. Thanks Paul, I know GPA doesn’t rather CLink data and I was unaware of this sale. Staggering result considering where this book has come from. All the more reason to negotiate with owners of raw copies.

  3. Nice pick Walt……..but i advise approach with caution! Let the book get some more staying power, i.e significance in the over-all tapestry of time.

  4. Just as you mentioned this, a little ad popped up below selling WW 98 for 2,998.00 and its graded CGC 2.0. And it’s on eBay. These overpriced fair coverless is getting ridiculous. Great article!

  5. There are many (myself included) who feel that Wonder Woman #105 is the true first Silver Age appearance of Wonder Woman. For years this book has been the key Silver Age WW book. It has a much more detailed origin than #98 and #99 and introduces Wonder Girl, a young version of Diana Prince. WW #98 doesn’t intruduce any new characters and offers scant details on the origin of WW, yet because it has a new creative team its now considered the first Silver Age WW. I think over time collectors will come to realize that WW 105 is the true beginning of the Silver Age WW.

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