Undervalued Spotlight #174

Warrior 1Undervalued Spotlight readers often send me emails with recommendations for future Undervalued Spotlight picks. Some I’m choosing to hold back on (we’re not ready for the 3rd appearance of Deadpool just yet) while others impress me so much that I want them to get posted ASAP.

Spotlight reader Darren recently sent me a fantastic pick. Darren’s argument is hard to counter; he’s picked a true winner.

I’ll throw things over to Darren…

… Hi Walt, I have a suggestion for a post if you don’t mind…

Warrior Magazine #1, Quality Communications, March 1982

Warrior was a black and white British comic anthology from Quality Communications, in the same vein as 2000 A.D. and Heavy Metal. Issue #1 contains two important firsts for Alan Moore and comic fans: the first V for Vendetta and Alan’s Moore’s reinvention of Marvelman (later renamed to Miracleman). In other words, this is 2 big birds with one stone 

Some facts about Warrior:

  • It had 26 issues between March 1982 and January 1985. 
  • Both Marvelman and V for Vendetta were serialized in this magazine in five – six page installments. 
  • Marvelman last appeared in Warrior in issue 21. 
  • Warrior ceased publication after issue 26, leaving Vendetta incomplete. The last issue ended with Evey discovering the truth about her imprisonment. Talk about unfinished business! 

Both properties would live on… In August 1985, Eclipse began reprinting the Marvelman stories from Warrior, coloured, and re-sized. They were renamed and re-lettered throughout as Miracleman due to a trademark infringement claim from Marvel Comics. Issue 7 began with all-new Miracleman stories from Moore and new artist Chuck Beckum. In 1988, DC followed suit, and reprinted and recolored the material in V for Vendetta 1 through 7, with new material beginning in issue 8, retaining David Lloyd as artist, and completing the tale in issue 10.

Funny, Warrior Magazine isn’t listed in Overstreet at all. Copies in VF/NM can be acquired for around $150… seems very undervalued for the significance of the book.

Very tricky to find, especially in NM grades. How could this book be so off the radar of collectors?

Is it because it’s from the UK, or that it’s a magazine, or that it’s black and white?

One downside to this book is it’s too big to send to CGC to slab it (bigger than a regular magazine), about 8.5 x 11.5 inches, the book won’t fit in the shell. To protect it you’ll need to get special sized bags and boards. All the more reason why high grade copies are so scarce. 

One other thing of note, there is a sweet advertisement on the back for London comic shop “Forbidden Planet”, illustrated by virtuoso artist Brian Bolland. Lots of great “British invasion” talent running through this title. 

Warrior #1 is not listed in Overstreet Price Guide.

Strengths that make this comic book (magazine) a good long-term investment are:

  • 1st appearance of V. Those masks have permeated our culture, are an activist favorite, very recognizable image for years to come.
  • 1st Moore Miracleman. The character is more popular than ever, Miracleman 15 goes for $200 in NM. Also, Marvel owns the rights to Miracleman, so it can be seen as a speculative pick for a potential movie.
  • See these two classic stories debut in large format and black and white as originally intended
  • Not listed in Overstreet, so you could find a great deal from sellers that don’t value it for what it is.

Thanks Darren that was a great pick.

I remember having a run of these mags a while ago. I threw them in the basement thinking I’ll get to them later. Time to go digging in the basement!

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1846


  1. How about Captain Marvel 18 as a feature on your undervalued spotlight? Constantly overlooked despite being a Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel key. Everyone clamors for MSH13 and Ms Marvel 1 but Capt Marvel 18 gets no love.

  2. no questions at all about this one Walt. very very undervalued compared to the significance of the magazine. it’s a shame overstreet doesn’t cover it, but i suppose since it’s from the UK..

  3. British Comics and Magazines have their own price guide. Hard covers ran from 1985 -2010 and they have an on-line directory now that lists all comics and magazines (including todays spotlight)in 6 grades. It is updated daily. It can be found at comicpriceguide.co.uk

  4. There are a couple of copies up on eBay right now. Completed Items confirm Derren’s $150 range. One of the issues available now has a $150 asking price but does offer a “Make an Offer” option. Hard to tell the exact grade though.

  5. Hey Walt, you out there? What looks good tonight? I’m gonna try and snipe that ASM#15, 7.5… Hands off guys… I’ve got dibs ^_^

  6. A great choice! The UK has plenty to offer Undervalued Spotlight, and this is a perfect example – though I’m not sure the $150 price is right – I bought a fine copy for $6 a couple of years ago, and they’re not super-rare (yet). Given that the V Mask is now a cultural icon, with historical significance thanks to the ‘occupy’ movement, I’d think this is a very important comic!

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