Undervalued Spotlight #153

robin hood vol 3 34Robin Hood Comics Vol. 3 #34, Anglo American, (Dec 46/Jan 47)


The second Canadian Whites (or WECA period) meeting was held by the “Team Canada” group, or is it the “Eh Team”? Actually we have no formal name yet but we met last week at the Toronto Comicon. I was able to attend the 1st 20 minutes of the meeting before my duties at the Big B Comics booth called me back. The meeting went well and I hope Ivan will soon throw up an update on where we stand with the whole project on his weekly White Tsumani post, which by the way is a treasure trove of information on the period. Ivan is making important discoveries every week it seems and his posts should not be missed.


Anyway the meeting inspired this week’s Undervalued Spotlight pick. My only other Canadian White to make my Undervalued Spotlight posts was Better Comics #1 way back in Undervalued Spotlight #103. In that spotlight I mention that Robin Hood Comics #1 came out the same month as Better Comics #1 but since it was a tabloid size and filled with reprints we justly called Better Comics #1 the 1st true Canadian comic book.


Robin Hood Comics Vol. 3 #34 is a special Canadian White in a few ways. Not only did the Robin Hood run help start the Canadian Whites era it also helped close it. With a publication date of Dec 46/Jan 47 Robin Hood Vol. 3 #34 (along with Freelance Comics Vol. 3 #35 and Grand Slam Comics Vol. 5 #56) closed the Canadian Whites era.


The fact that Robin Hood was there at the very beginning and at the bitter end make it the longest running of all the Canadian Whites titles lasting almost 6 years.


Last issues are a proven collecting strain, all it will take here is raised awareness of the significance of this book and we should see an increase in demand.

By this time in the run Robin Hood was sharing the book with Kip Keene and the Men of the Mounties. Kip Keene covers dominated late in the run and as a Canadian I like this better.


These usually go for about $100 on the market but things should heat up for these books and soon. Our Heritage Project is raising awareness as will the upcoming documentary Lost Heroes.

I’m encouraging all Spotlight readers to pick up at least 1 comic from this era and if the bank book allows it at least one from each of the principal publishers, namely Bell Features, Maple Leaf, Educational and Anglo American.

The 42nd edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide sadly does not show prices for the Canadian Whites, something that we hope to change real soon.

Strengths that make this comic book a good long-term investment are:

  • Currently trading at bargains in the back issue marketplace
  • Last issue of the title
  • Last issue of a whole line of comics, a whole era actually
  • The Canadian Whites or WECA era comics are on the cusp of a great revival
Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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