Undervalued Spotlight #146

Justice League of America #200, DC Comics (March 1982)

The Justice League has been a hot property since Justice League #1 launched DC’s New 52 back in August of 2011. The title has stayed hot and it can only get hotter now that there is talk of a Justice League feature film. If Justice League the movie can do half the numbers the Avengers movie did we’d all be in a good place.

Justice League back issue comics have been heating up over the past couple of months. I’ve been watching the auction sites and these days you can’t get near a copy of Brave and the Bold #28 (1st appearance of Justice League of America) without paying a hefty premium over the prices the book was realizing last year.

Collectors and investors have taken a fresh interest in the Justice League of America (JLA) title. DC’s JLA ran from November 1960 and lasted until April 1987 getting to issue #261. GPAnalysis figures show that JLA’s share of the graded and tracked back issue market has increased by over 20% since a year ago.

I’ve mentioned before that many collectors in general are opting to collect special issues. These days the prospect of collecting a complete title just seems too daunting with prices generally being at historic highs. While I’m not seeing as many new collectors willing to start amassing the JLA run I am seeing more collectors hunting down key JLA issues. For most of us Brave and the Bold #28 and JLA #1 are a bit out of our price range. I often recommend issues like JLA #21 and #22 (the 1st “Crisis” books) but even they are getting pricey. Actually you can’t get very many high grade JLA issues below #100 for less than $100.

If we’re looking for a JLA issue with a hook and if we need it to be dirt cheap we should look no further than JLA #200.

jla 200

JLA #200 is a double sized anniversary issue (collectors love anniversary issues) that features a gorgeous George Perez wraparound cover. Writer Jerry Conway’s story is celebration of the team’s 1st 200 issues and it includes a nice 3 page origin.

What really sets this book apart is the art, George Perez gets help from the likes of Jim Aparo, Carmine Infantino, Gil Kane, Brian Bolland and Joe Kubert just to name a few. Giving Joe Kubert the Hawkman sequences and Jim Aparo the Aquaman sequences is a nice touch of homage to classic DC! There were 8 different pencilers on this comic and the result is some wonderful art.

The story is titled “A League Divided” and starts off with some inter league fighting before the team finally unites to fight a common foe. The story is grand in scope with Conway trying to cram in as many heroes from JLA’s past as possible. Adam Strange, Martian Manhunter, The Phantom Stranger and the Green Arrow all show up for the party and Green Arrow officially rejoins the team in this issue.

For JLA #200 I’d recommend a nice tight CGC 9.6 if you are going the graded route. You best move quickly as things have already started to heat up. Back in March 2012 a CGC 9.6 got $49, while in June 2012 a CGC 9.8 got $100. Fast forward to post JLA movie news and we see a CGC 9.6 get $110 in late December 2012. It the online sites are too hot right now snoop around at a local comic book convention, you should be able to find nice raw high grade copies for well below $20.

Happy hunting!

The 42nd edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide shows $6/$8/$10 as the 8.0/9.0/9.2 price splits.

Strengths that make this comic book a good long-term investment are:

  • Justice League of America movie should raise awareness
  • Anniversary issue
  • Great line up of guest artists
  • Dirt cheap in the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1853


  1. justice league has always been one of my favourite comics, dating back to 30 years ago. i loved that group of characters. if the rumours are true about the story line for the movie, i’d be looking at Forever People and New Gods. There should be some interesting picks in those series.

    thanks walt. JLA 200 is a nice book too.

  2. Thanks Nestor

    I was unable to find a confirmed story plot for the movie so I didn’t want to speculate based on rumors, though that is often the best way to speculate!!!

    … and you are right, this is a nice book.

  3. Nice work. I believe this is also Bolland’s first US Batman (he did earlier Batman stuff in the UK).

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