Undervalued Spotilght #15

Four Color #596, December 1954, Dell Publishing. When Turok, Son of Stone first appeared in Four Color #596 it was an instant hit. Turok received his own title soon after and that title would run for almost 30 years

Four Color #596, December 1954, Dell Publishing

fc 596When Turok, Son of Stone first appeared in Four Color #596 it was an instant hit. Turok received his own title soon after and that title would run for almost 30 years.

Turok and his brother Andar represented something almost revolutionary in 1950s America. At a time when the American Indian was basically fodder for John Wayne’s and Alan Ladd’s guns or at best was trusty side kick to the likes of the Lone Ranger, our Indian heroes were the stars of their own adventures. Indian braves displaying bravery, intelligence, honor, and compassion flew in the face of how America’s mass media had been portraying Indians during the time. It was a brave move (pardon the pun).

Turok and Andar were pre-Columbus Native Americans that stumbled upon a lost world of Dinosaurs. They used their survival skills to evade the large beasts, to find food and to help the cavemen tribes they met in their journeys.

The Overstreet Price Guide shows $425/$813/$1200 as the 8.0/9.0/9.2 price splits.

Strengths that make this comic book a good long term investment are:

  • Historically significant in its positive portrayal of Native Americans
  • Popular title that had a 30 year run, character still relevant today
  • Animated DVD in 2008 has kept the character in the limelight
  • A live action movie is reportedly in the works
  • The comic book is scarce in higher grades (only 5 grade CGC 9.0 or better)

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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