Top Ten Marvel Covers of the 1960s – The Video

Hi gang, I’m posting a link to today’s ICE Collectibles YouTube video, I hope you like it, and please share your thoughts in the comments.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1848


  1. Good list…it had a Steranko, Romita, Buscema, Colan, Kirby and Marie Severin…hard to go wrong there….looking forward to the DC and EC equivalents – cause Nick Cardy does some amazing stuff…and that other guy I can’t quite remember his name..he was OK too.

  2. Guys, give me a break. Or rather, give Ditko a break. Here you have three covers with Spider-Man and not one of them by Ditko? Spidey #14, 15, 18, 25…or the first that came to mind for me, #33 crushed under the machine, water dripping down. No way Romita gets two covers and none of these Dikto classics are in the picks! Your #10 of Marie Severin, really? Ugh. And The Hulk #104? No, no no. Ugly cover. And we have none of the early Avengers before #10 by Kirby, and no Fantastic Four cover by Kirby at all?

    I’d have Captain America #110 up there somewhere. Incredible Hulk #1, that started it all, a superb cover that really outshines Romita’s Spider-Man #50 with the same theme….Avengers #1, 3 or 4?

    Fantastic Four #25, the Things vs. the Hulk? #27, vis Subby as he takes Sue away from Reed? #39, with Doctor Doom AND Daredevil, a stunning Kirby scene.

    I did like the Steranko choice of the Hulk, yes…and Strange Tales #107, again, this one is well thought out and a good one, albeit offbeat.

    I think one issue is, you’ve got too big a universe to pick from. All the way from the first six Hulks and FF and Spidey, up to 1970, that’s a lot of books. I admit I have some bias with my age when I started collecting all these titles (Spring 1964)…but I humbly suggest there’s a lot of better covers out there than several of your choices! If you want controversy, you have it from me!

  3. I agree with Bud… the Hulk 104 wouldn’t make my list if it was the top 50 covers. No FF?? No Ditko?? Sheesh!

  4. These covers you left of the list come to mind off the top of my head because they were the ones that resonated with me the most, but taste is a personal thing: Amazing Adult Fantasy 13, Journey into Mystery 89, Tales of Suspense 39, Tales to Astonish 13, X-Men 49, Avengers 4, and Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD 7. Interestingly, most of the covers you picked were from the last half of the decade while most of the impactful covers for an old geezer like me came from the first half of the decade as I remember seeing them on the stands.

  5. I’m enjoying reading this “Marvel Civil War discussion” on the best books. I’m thinking the authors intended to fire their opening shots with their picks 🙂

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